Are you in need of adding more happiness potions to your tired life?
Well…look no further! In this post, you will find out how to cultivate 12 habits to add more happiness to your life.

How to cultivate 12 easy habits to add more happiness in life
Finding happiness may seem difficult, but this simple positive emotion is easily accessible.
And You Deserve To Be Happy.
Being human, we are created to be happy, but sometimes surroundings and circumstances make us forget how to be happy.
How are you reminded then?
Practicing a few daily habits will help you to bring more positivity into your life and happiness knocking at your heart.
When you are in a happy state of mind you feel relaxed and stress-free.
Your mood uplifts making a positive change in your mental and physical wellbeing.
Although the emotion of happiness varies from person to person.
When you cultivate good habits based on your choices being happy becomes a natural part of your daily life.
Habits can make or break your way to transform your life. Taking up more positive habits will push you to the path of your happiness goal.
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I will be sharing 12 easy habits you can add to your life to boost happiness. You can take up something else that truly makes you a happier person.
The small moments of your life will add more happiness to your life jar. To have more happy moments look out for small things rather than extravagance.
Let’s check out 12 ways to improve your happiness!
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12 Easy Habits to Add More Happiness
Live in your Present
Your happiness is Now.
If you are someone who overthinks about the future without paying attention to the simple joys that are blessed in your present then maybe it is time to quit taking stress for something which hasn’t happened yet!
Finding little joys from simple daily mundane activities of your life will add up to your happiness bucket.
Will it make any difference to your present time thinking about something you are anxious about happening 5 or 10 years later?
It will never happen.. maybe those things you are dreading now never take place in your life.
You may ask me why.
Because these things are formed by your negative mindset which wants to destroy your ‘Fire’ or positivity about the life you are living at this moment.
Look out for more beautiful things about your life. I am sure if we look closely there are so many blessings that are bound to give us happiness.
For example:
Have you noticed how beautiful it looks in the morning when you wake up, everything is so calm with birds chirping sweet songs.
Doesn’t your mood improve with that simple daily activity?
These small things that have strong positive effects on our mental well-being enhance happiness.
Do you want to read more about the simple tricks to uplift your mood? If you do then definitely check out this post
16 Amazing Habits to boost your mood instantly
Having a Morning Routine
Your morning is the time of day when you feel refreshed. The beginning of your day plays a significant role in shaping the rest of the day.
Make your morning organized by creating a suitable morning routine as per your lifestyle.
You won’t regret it. I too suffered from bad mornings of not having a morning schedule or routine only to find myself at a loss of motivation.
Starting your morning with the right intention and positivity is a good habit to add more happiness to your day.
For more about how to make your morning perfect, you can read this post about My Ultimate Morning routine checklist that changes my life
Put on a Smile
When you smile you feel happy.
The smile on your face takes place because you like something, and the first reaction is smiling.
When you smile you are sending a message to your brain that you are feeling good about something you see, hear, smell, or taste. The brain is a magic place that sparks sensation and sends all those good “make you feel glee” chemicals to your body.
And you feel the sudden warmth inside your heart and running across your body which is your happier self.
Smile more with reason or better without any reason!
The smile you put on your face can be so contagious that your surroundings will also transform into lighter and happier.
Related post: 17 strong ways to become a positive person
Show more Self Love
Your happiness and self-love goes hand in hand
If your value is not enough and you always find some excuses to avoid or neglect your well-being in the form of showing love to yourself first then chances are your happiness is a bare minimum.
As a human, you must take care of yourself. Never be guilty it will make you feel like a selfish person.
You Are Not!
Your self-worth and self-love are very much related to your happiness.
If you are unable to think worthy of yourself or unable to show more love, then probably you won’t be receiving that much value or love from your surroundings.
You can easily show self-love with self-care routines in your life.
Having that time of day or night which you totally devote to yourself with a happy mind is great for your mental wellness.
Regular practice of repeating self-love affirmations can also help you to transform your mindset to be more confident and satisfied with yourself.
These steps will assist you to improve you to be more happy in daily life. Why don’t you give it a try for yourself?
You can look out for more inspiration about self-love and self-care in these related posts:
80 positive self-love affirmations to transform your life
Easy self-care practices for a busy life
Daily Gratitude practice to make you a better person
Connect with Nature

Studies show nature is a silent healer and quick mood booster.
Spending time in nature makes you feel happy and reduces stress or depression. Be it the small space in your home, terrace, backyard, or park, daily walking or just sitting surrounded by trees and flowers is an impetus to our happiness.
Staying within green beauties naturally uplifts your mindset with positivity. You start becoming calm and content.
Start getting yourself out in nature even if you live in a city. If possible visit a nearby locality and see how beautiful it will make you feel and connect with nature.
You will feel giddy with joy spending moments in an open area out of your home and having a quiet time with yourself.
This will improve your mood and add more happiness to tackle your day peacefully.
Related post: How to change your negative mindset to positive
Create a Simple Living
We always have this habit of acquiring things in our daily lives to make us feel more accomplished.
Having more is a preconceived idea of being happy mind.
Whereas the idea of hoarding more in life makes you impatient and anxious.
Anxious to get the next thing the idea of which will give you happiness and bring you up in parity to your peers, friends, relatives, neighbors.
Try creating a simple lifestyle along with going clutter-free in your home and life that will make you feel light and happy.
Your head space will change to minimal allowing your mind to be happier.
Living a minimalistic or simple life is not depriving yourself of the comforts of life, it is a form of lifestyle where you have that much necessary to have a great life.
If you wish to learn more about the benefits of simple living check out this post for further reading:
How to practice a slow living lifestyle and enjoy life
Be Kind
Random acts of kindness that you show to others are a positive habit to add more happiness to your life and be a happier person
Studies show that when you do kind acts it boosts your feel-good chemical serotonin which reduces your stress, anxiety, and blood pressure. Your brain feels light and happy when you help someone in need.
This is because your kind attitude will immediately connect with that person who may be close to you or any stranger.
Your self-confidence will improve. Kindness drives away the troubles from your life as it confirms your competence.
Thus, your well-being and happiness are sure to amplify in your life by a regular act of kindness.
Here is a post: 40 powerful habit for healthy lifestyle
Get Your Body Moving
A moving body in your morning is a great way to start boosting the endorphins in your body. Any form of exercise that will make your body agile helps you to stay happy.
You do not need to hit the gym for that, only 5 minutes is all you need to feel that heart pump more blood in your body.
Stretch those muscles in your morning to loosen yourself up. You can do these any time of your day when you start to feel down with daily activities or work.
If you are someone who does not like to exercise opt for some light at-home yoga session for 10 minutes with yourself or your loved ones.
It is fun to keep your body and mind in proper shape with improved happy times.
Get Creative or Start Something New
Creativity sharpens your mind and uplifts your mental health. Creating new things needs ideas, plans, resources, and goals.
When you add all these in your brain and start building something new or creating the next project, your concentration and focus increase.
When you are mentally satisfied with something you are creating or making you happy and content with yourself.
Start that project in your home that you are planning to build or start your blog and get those creative wheels in your brain to turn magic in your mind.
Any form of creative path will make you a happier person.
Related: 17 things to do on your day off alone

Do Something That Makes You Happy
Do something for yourself to make you feel special, which YOU ARE REAL!
Buy cute flowers, gift yourself with a handmade thank you card, play your favorite sport, or take that swing in the park which you always avoid being a grown-up person.
Find small habits to be a happier person in your everyday life.
That small child is within all of us, who is innocent and always happy.
As an adult, you need to help yourself get to those times when we were kids and little moments of simple joy were enough to make us happy.
Is anyone with food guilty pleasure?
But you do not have to feel guilty for having your favorite food that makes you happy with joy!
Food is always associated with boosting happiness. Though the happy moment is something for a short phase, still binging on that donut or pizza once in a while will give you that extra shot of happy calories!
Although those calories won’t matter a bit as you are ticked off your happiness!
Download this Free GRATITUDE LIST planner printable to count your daily blessings

Make time for Music
When you listen to music you recharge your brain’s nerves by activating feel-good chemicals in your body. When your mood boosts you feel happy.

Dancing to your favorite music in your playlist or music system is a simple and easy way to add more happiness in between daily tasks.
Feel that pure joy of singing at the top of your voice even if you cannot sing …Who cares?
This is about your happiness.
And also shake your legs to those beats and see the magic of happiness take over your body and soul!
Practice Mindful Meditation
When you practice mindfulness or focus on something with the full intention your mind is becoming centered.
Meditation for 5 minutes, to begin with, is the perfect recipe for adding more happiness to your life. And you don’t need to be a pro.
I still find it challenging to meditate when my mind is running in all directions.
But this is that moment when you keep at mindful meditation to bring back your focus or your energy to your center and hold it.
If you are unable to focus on one thing, then close your eyes and just focus on your breathing.
If you have never meditated before, chances are your mind will jump from one thought to another.
Let it be…but try to focus on your breath. Try this process at least for seven days just to get it flowing through you.
If you practice for seven days, you will start to see a slight change in your mind. And change is poise and peace that makes you calm and increases your happiness level.
This practice or daily habit is great for reducing your inner turmoil into a happier state of being.
Final Thoughts:12 easy habits to add more happiness
We are always distracted to notice the simple fact that happiness is within ourselves.
But still, we try to seek this strong emotion elsewhere in the form of material belongings.
Having new things indeed gives us joy but that is temporary, the actual joy lies deep within you.
You just need to peel off your layers of outward brightness and find the ever-present happiness in your home.
And that Home is YOU!
These are the 12 easy habits to add more happiness to your daily life. Avoid considering these tips as exclusive. You may find totally different habits close to your heart for inculcation of the emotion of happiness.
We all want to nurture good habits to improve our lives because we all deserve a better life.
But many times due to changing life situations we stray away from our main goal.
Happiness is a very simple emotion for which you do not need to bear a costly lifestyle.
Only a few alterations in your mindset and daily habits play a great part in adding more happy moments to your life.
How do you stay happy all the time? What are those easy habits to add more happiness to your life? You are welcome to comment below for any new insights!
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