Short Mental Health Quotes to Feel Free in Mind

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short inspirational mental health quotes for free mind

Feel free to take care of your mind with these short mental health quotes. Add these 50 mental health quotes to uplift your mood and build awareness of a positive life.

Amid rush and chaos we forget to breathe, so why not use these motivational quotes to relax our minds? Daily reading of quotes or keeping them close to you can do wonders to shift your low energy into positivity.

Start using the power of quotes to improve your overall mind. See how your life changes when you feel the truth of quotes.

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50 short mental health quotes to feel free in mind

Disclaimer: I am not a licensed therapist nor I do have any professional experience in psychology or mental health. The information shared is purely for educational or informational purposes. Please reach out to a professional expert for help if you are going through a tough situation in your life.

Let us check out the 50 short mental health quotes to make you feel free from your mind.

50 Short Mental Health Quotes

“Not until we are lost do we begin to unserstand ourselves.” – Henry David Thoreau

mental health quotes for positive mind

“Tough times never last, but tough people do!” – Robert Schuller

50 short quotes mental health. quotes for positive mind

“Talk to yourself like you would to someone you love.” – Brene Brown

“And still, I rise.” – Maya Angelou

“Deep breathing is our nervous system’s love language.” – Dr. Lauren Fogel Mersy

short quotes mental health. quotes for positive mind

“You, yourself, as much as anybody in the entire Universe, deserve your love and affection.” – Buddha

short quotes mental health for free mind

“Feelings come and go as clouds in a windy sky. Conscious breathing is my anchor.” – Thich Nhat Hanh

“The best way out is always through.” – Robert Frost

50 short mental health quotes for inspiration
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“I am not afraid of storms for I am learning how to sail my ship.” – Louisa May Alcott

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“You don’t have to control your thoughts. You just have to stop letting them control you.” – Dan Millman

“Mental health is not a destination, but a process. It’s about how you drive, not where you’re going.” – Noam Shpancer

“There is hope even when your brain tells there isn’t.” – John Green

short mental health quotes inspiration

“Self care is how you take your power back.” – Lalah Deliah

“Happiness can be found even in the darkest of times if one only remembers to turn on the light.” – Albus Dumbledore

“My dark days made me strong. Or maybe I was already strong, and they made me prove it.” – Emery Lord

“Nothing can dim the light that shines from within.” – Maya Angelou

short quotes for mental health by philosophers

“What mental health needs is more sunlight, more candor, and more unashamed conversation.” – Glenn Close

“When we remember we are all mad, the mysteries disappear, and life stands explained.” – Mark Twain

“You are not alone. You are seen. I am with you. You are not alone.” – Shonda Rhimes

“Healing takes time, and asking for help is a courageous step.” – Mariska Hargitay

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“Increasing the strength of your mind is the only way to reduce the difficulty of life.” – Mokokoma Mokhonoana

“Being able to be your true self is the strongest component of good mental health.” – Lauren Fogel Mersy

“Unexpressed emotions never die. They are buried alive and will surface later in an uglier form.” – Sigmund Freud

“Spend your free time the way you like, not the way you think you’re supposed to.” – Susan Cain

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“Self love, it is obvious, always remain positive and active in our natures.” – Gordon W. Allport

“What we acheive inwardly will change outward reality.” – Plutarch

short mind quotes by philosophers

“Human body is the chariot; the self, the man who drives it; thought is the reins, and feelings, the horses.” – Plato

Persist, and resist.” – Epictetus

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“We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act but a habit.” – Aristotle

“Although the world is full of suffering, it is also full of overcoming it. ” – Helen Keller

“Blogging about mental health can have a huge impact.” – Dennis Relojo Howell

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“Change what you can, manage what you can’t.” – Raymond McCauley

“Live in the here and now, not the fear and now.” – Andy Coley

inspirational short quotes for positive mind

“Nothing diminishes anxiety faster than action.” – Walter Anderson

motivational mental health quotes by therapist

“Some day there won’t be a song in your heart. Sing anyway.” – Emory Austin

“The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.” – Lao Tzu

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“The world would not be a better place without you.” – Jessica Gallier

“We need never be ashamed of our tears.” – Charles Dickens

mental health quotes by writers

“You practice being the person you become.” – Gerry Joaquim

“There is a crack in everything. That’s how the light gets in.” – Leonard Cohen

“Just because you don’t understand doesn’t mean it isn’t so.” – Lemony Snicket

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“If you are broken you do not have to stay broken.” – Selena Gomez

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“I am a work in progress.” – Violet Yates

“Feeling your feelings will not lead to depression.” – Jordan Pickell

happy short quotes for mind

“Follow your inner moonlight; don’t hide the madness.” – Allen Ginsberg

positive short quotes happy mindset

Exercise keeps me occupied, which is good for my mental health.” – Gail Porter

“Hope is being able to see that there is able to see light despite all the darkness.” – Desmond Tutu

“Be kind to your mind.” – Unkown

50 mental health quotes for life

“My life needs editing.” – Mort Sahl

“Worry is like a rocking chair: it gives you something to do but never gets you anywhere.” – Erma Bombeck

“The next time you have a thought, just let it go.” – Ron White

positive quotes happy mind

I hope these short quotes will help you raise awareness to support your mental status. Encourage yourself and others to use quotes or affirmations to strengthen your mind.

Remind yourself that you can always ask for help.

Stay happy and blessed!

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