70 Money Affirmations for Abundance and Wealth

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70 money affirmations for abundance and wealth

70 Money Affirmations for Abundance and Wealth

Do you want to attract abundance with money affirmations and start building wealth?

Of course, you do! Who doesn’t want to have money?

Use these 70 money affirmations for abundance to change your money mindset into a healthier and positive one.

Before we begin you have to remove all forms of negative thoughts and shift those toxic money mindsets out of the window and your mind.

Money is a positive energy that is life saver for all at any point in time. Money and wealth help to achieve goals and dreams.

With a negative money belief thinking money to be the root cause of all problems, you are blocking the positive energy of money to arrive into your life. Negative energy and negative thoughts about money bring more shortage of money in your life.

This way you create a barrier between yourself and the money. Start building the idea that money solves all your problems and you will always have an abundant supply of money and wealth in life.

You have to believe in money and the wonders it can create in your life! Believing in money is an important step to opening the door of financial abundance and wealth in your life.

But how do you open this door of money abundance?

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70 money affirmations for abundance and wealth

Repeating or chanting positive money phrases in the form of affirmations will help you to reframe your negative money beliefs.

Visualize yourself attracting the money abundance by reciting the money mantra to make your brain start accepting the fact that you are worthy of money!

With time and practice, you are going to remove all the roadblocks to the path of your financial abundance.

Below I have listed 70 Money Affirmations for Abundance and Wealth. These are very simple positive money phrases that you can repeat at any time suitable to create those positive vibes of abundance in your life.

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How to raise your vibration to manifest dream life

70 Money Affirmations for Abundance and Wealth

1. I am attracting money.

2. I am worthy of earning money.

3. Money comes into my life easily.

4. I am building my wealth.

5. I am surrounded by money from all directions.

6. Money comes into my life from various channels.

7. My money grows daily.

8. I am financially free.

9. I am abundant and prosperous.

10. Money is my best friend.

11. I have a strong bond with my money.

12. I am great in managing my money.

13. I earn more money than I spend.

70 money affirmations to build wealth

14. I have so much that I have no idea where to spend them.

15. Money is pouring into my life.

16. I create my money earning opportunities.

17. I earn money from multiple sources.

18. I am a rich person.

19. I can afford to buy anything with my money.

20. Money solves all my financial problems.

21. I am in love with my money.

22. I am building my wealth.

23. I can pay for all my expenses.

24. I am capable of affording anything with my money.

25. I deserve to make more money.

26. I earn money by doing what I love.

27. The more I give, the more I receive.

28. I am ready to receive abundant money in my life.

29. I am a magnet who attracts money.

30. Money is the cause of my joy and comfort.

31. I discover new sources of earning money.

32. Money falls into my hands from different sources.

33. I am grateful for all the money I have.

34. My income is constantly increasing.

35. My work allows me to afford the life I love to live.

36. I am on the road to financial success.

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70 money affirmations for abundance and wealth

37. I am in the best decade to earn immense wealth.

38. I see money positively.

39. I welcome unlimited income and wealth in my life.

40. I am in sync with the energy of money.

41. I am aligned with the energy of money and abundance.

42. I am connected to the abundance of the Bank of Universe.

43. I always have enough money to meet my needs.

44. Money gives me possibilities and hope.

45. Money has made me fearless and secure.

46. I allow myself to receive all the abundance that I desire.

47. I am enough to deserve financial security.

48. I have a secure financial present and future.

49. I can afford everything I desire.

50. I am financially free to travel to any part of the world.

51. I utilize my money very wisely.

52. I am a great money investor and reaping great returns.

53. I am the creator of my abundance and wealth.

54. I receive all the abundance of life from the Universe.

55. Money flows to me easily.

56. I attract limitless wealth and abundance.

57. I release all the blocks to attract money into my life.

58. I am worthy of wealth, health, and abundance.

59. It is easy to grow money.

60. Having wealth is a natural part of my life.

61. I am a debt free person.

62. I deserve unlimited money to pay off all my dues forever.

63. I allow prosperity into my life.

64. I visualize having unlimited money from all directions.

65. I am the master of my abundance.

66. Everything I touch turns to money making gold.

67. I am letting go of all my worries surrounding my financial abundance.

68. I am living my best life and accept all the abundance that comes into my life.

69. Financial freedom is my birthright.

70. Being wealthy makes me feel free and happy.

powerful money affirmations

These are the money affirmations for allowing yourself the abundance and wealth you deserve in life.

This reciting of affirmation is a process that you have to take with patience and full belief.

Saying it aloud to yourself or writing it on paper daily will build your trust in the power of money and the magic financial abundance can create in your life!

Have you tried reciting affirmations for abundance in life? Has that process worked? Or you are a beginner? In any case, these above affirmations might be of use.

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 abundance affirmations for money
70 financial abundance affirmation for money
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