Are you in need of upgrading your happiness these days?
Then start quitting bad habits that are costing your happy potion!

18 Habits to Let Go For More Happiness
Let’s explore how habits affect your happiness and the list of 18 poor habits you need to cut down to add more happiness to your everyday life!
Daily cultivation of habits has the power to make you happy or unhappy in life.
Learn to quit the top 18 bad habits to become a happier person in life.
The choice remains with us to either select good habits to include happiness or go for toxic habits that cause stress and anxiety in life.
Our mental health is most important to be taken care of along with our physical and emotional health, this forms the basis of overall wellbeing and happiness.
I have directly suffered from a lack of happiness in life due to my poor choice of habits in daily life. Constant frustration and confusion were familiar, a result of these bad habits.
Letting go of these poor habits ultimately helped to come out of my life rut and find my true happiness. Our happiness is always in us, only thing matters is how we perceive our mind to do and think all day.
Use the list below for the poor habits to let go for more happiness in your life. You may indeed have any other habits that might need to be removed.
The more bad habits you discard from of daily routine, the more happy your life is going to turn around.
Let’s check out the 18 habits you need to quit to add more happiness to life.
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12 easy habits to add more happiness in life
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Habits To Let Go for More Happiness
Here are the 18 poor habits that you need to cut out from life to become happy
1. Negative Thoughts
Do you know what you think all day determines the happy feeling you carry?
Stop entertaining negative thoughts in your day. Thinking about pain, unfortunate past events, or being fearful about life will only add to your stress.
To become happy in life you need to first believe in yourself. A positive mindset always helps bring more happiness.
Trust the process that everything is good even if your senses deny it. Have faith in the power of the Universe that it has your back and nothing can go wrong unless you want.
As the saying goes ” What you think you become”.
Why don’t we all try to think about the best in our lives rather than turning to negative bad thoughts? These toxic ideas will add misery snatching your happy mind.
Related post: 16 cool habits to boost your mood instantly
2. Overthinking anxiety
When your thought train is looping constantly in your mind you are overthinking.
Let go of too many thoughts or overthinking every little issue, event or word eats away your mind’s peace.
This ruminating thought boosts your worry and anxiety leaving you unhappy and stressed.
Leave those things or matters on whom you do not have control.
Start taking charge of your habits today to become a happy person.
3. Fear of people and life
Fear is the killer of all happiness in life.
Being afraid is like a disease in our minds that weakens self confidence and make us lose self belief.
Your surroundings are another factor in injecting fearful thoughts into your mind. Stop being afraid of anyone or anything in life to attract more happiness.
Like many of you readers, I too have been affected by this fear in my life. Truth is, I never found peace and happiness whenever I gave in to fear of people and life.
Being aware and careful is one thing but living your life in fear of what might happen next is DRAINING!
Get your happiness back in life by curbing this fear of uncertainty and the future.
Here is a post on how to stop caring what others think of you
4. Lack of good routine
When you start your day without any ritual or routine the entire day ahead along with the evening gets the major hit.
Lack of a simple morning routine where you immerse your early quiet hours of beautiful morning keeps you agitated and incomplete.
A proper routine for the morning sets the tone of your day and prepares you to handle everything with positivity.
Similarly, your evening closes the curtain for a productive night routine making you feel happy from the inside out.
5. Complaining attitude
Give yourself a challenge to not complain for a whole day and see how you feel.
A serene bliss in mind makes you more happy.
Constantly looking for faults and lack in everything around you ultimately snatches away the bare happiness from your life.
Let go of this complaining attitude and adopt being grateful for what you have. You will be amazed by the bountiful blessings you already have.
Make gratitude your pillar to add more happiness and contentment to create a complete life.
6. Limiting beliefs
Low self belief is the cause of pain and sorrow. This attitude of mind sows the seed of feeling less worthy of having anything good in life.
When start thinking of yourself to be a failure this puts a mental barrier in the path of your life goals.
Speeches of low self beliefs are like this:
- “I can’t do it”
- “I am not good enough”
- ” I will never be going to …”
- “I will become happy when..”
Limiting beliefs negatively impacts your happiness by putting a roadblock to new life experiences and new hopes.
Beliefs that are not empowering make you more fearful and bring unhappiness to your mind and spirit.
Give up the limiting beliefs that are restricting your life.
Free yourself up from the chain of low self beliefs and be happy with the unlimited potential.
7. Being too busy
Setting life goals is great for having intention, which helps you bounce back from many situations.
But don’t forget to breathe and relax.
Being too busy all the time is bad for your mental health and happiness. This negatively impacts your body and well-being.
Take short breaks in between your work to have little respite.
Recharging your mind off your work will energize your fatigue and keep you away from exhaustion.
Moreover, being too busy does not prove healthy as it reduces your productivity and errors.
Related post: 20 simple ways to live with peace
8. Lack of exercise
The days when you stretch your body for at least 2 minutes you feel better!
Exercise and workouts promote good health and mind and that is why we stay happy.
Those jogging, yoga moves, walking, and deep breaths help to boost the endorphins that run in your body making you feel alive.
This helps to turn on the natural happiness mode in your system. Haha! that easy.
Lack of exercise is one of the bad habits that makes you cranky and feel anxious.

9. Poor mindfulness
Mindfulness helps you slow down and enjoy the present time you have around you.
Practicing mindfulness is helpful to promote positive feelings as being mindful brings your attention back to your Now Moment.
Slow down to enjoy the beauty of nature or the warmth of the sun.
These simple acts of using your five senses promote more positive feelings in your mind. You start becoming more happy the more you dwell on your present moments.
A simple way of life is great for focusing your sprinting mind on the things happening right at this moment.
10. Not having sunlight going outside
Nature is a true healer of our souls.
Immerse your mind and body daily out in nature to bask under sunlight and smell those flowers.
Take a walk around the park or your neighborhood street to find your mind destressed and happy. Or at least sit on your terrace, backyard garden, or balcony to uplift your mood.
Staying inside the home looks comfortable but it takes a heavy toll on the mind affecting your happiness.
Going outside for a bare 5 to 10 minutes makes a havoc shift in the happiness and the emotions you have in daily life.
Here’s a post about 17 best things to do on your day off alone or with family

11. Anger and resentment
When you get angry at something or someone how does it make you feel?
Confused and unhappy?
When you think of bad habits let go for more happiness, then quit reacting to every event or action in your daily life.
Anger creates chaos in the mind and is detrimental to your physical health and overall well-being.
Similarly, anger, resentment, or hatred are some negative feelings born out of toxic thoughts.
These feelings deteriorate your happy nature and fill life with more anxiety and tension.
You start to lose your peace of mind with slipping happiness.
Use meditation or journaling to bring out your thoughts and hidden emotions in a cohesive way.
These practices help to make feel lighter and happier.
Check out this post on 17 strong ways to become a positive person
12. Comparing your life
Your life is different from that of others. So are your beliefs, and feelings and how you see the world.
Comparing your life with others impacts poorly on your mental health.
This negative mindset makes you perceive yourself as inferior and incapable in respect of the other.
Monitor what you are consuming digitally and the people you are surrounded with.
Minimize scrolling the social media feeds of those influencers and celebrities and find new ways to fall into the trap of comparison games.
This only adds more misery to your life with depleting happiness.
No one knows the “Real” behind those colorful highlights of their manicured lives!
Start focusing on your life and the dreams you have to achieve. Shifting the attention makes you more motivated and happy.
13. Lack of self-care
Self-care is a necessity for your overall well-being and happiness.

You deserve to feel good in your body and mind. That is why a proper self-care routine boosts your mood and worth, bringing you more joy.
Stop being harsh on yourself by spending at least 10 minutes a day on some simple self care activities.
Whether it is journaling, quiet time, having healthy food, hydrating properly, taking care of your skin, or just saying no as healthy boundaries.
You will not be taken as selfish for giving yourself tender love and care which you deserve more even with a tight busy schedule.
Get some insights from these posts about starting your self care ritual from today: 20 self care habits for a positive mind and for cozy cold months 30 winter self care habits.
If you are tight on schedule and want to try some at home self care see this post: 60 self care tips even with a busy life
14. Hopelessness
What is your first thought when you fail or fall behind in accomplishing anything?
“This thing always happens to me”, or “There is no hope”.
Never be hopeless in life for anything. No matter how mighty it is for you to bear.
Always trust the Universe or the Power you believe in and have utmost faith. Most importantly BELIEVE in YOURSELF, Your Inner Being.
You have unlimited possibilities that only need to be believed in.
15. Poor confidence
Self-doubt and insecurities push us to lose confidence in our capabilities.
This has a direct effect on hampering your happiness.
With poor habits like doubting yourself your self-love drops making you more going against the flow of life.
Confidence helps to conquer any obstacle and barrier with faith that you are capable of rising above anything in life.
It is time for you to cut off thinking low about yourself and not appreciating enough for the person you are capable of.
Here’s a post to help you learn the simple habits to boost your self confidence

16. Perfectionism-Not loving yourself enough
No one cannot be perfect in life. Perfecting yourself to the optimum will only add to your daily stress.
Falling behind the cutoff of being called a perfect person on the other makes you feel less and unworthy.
Your self-worth and self-love suffer. The unrelenting chase of flawlessness sprouts inferiority and anxious behavior.
Holding high standards for yourself and not making up for it, leads you to become depressed and unhappy state of mind. These outcomes are undesirable if you wish to stay happy.
Let go of perfectionism and love yourself more for the person you are already. Become a happier person with having goals in life and
17. Unkind behaviour
Be kind to yourself and others and see how you feel.
When we are too concerned about ourselves only we act in an unkind way. This makes us unhappy and disturbed in our minds and health.
Replace this bad habit of not showing kind gestures to yourself and even strangers.
Compassionate behavior makes a person open from the heart with a sense of good feeling.
This positive emotion boosts more happiness in your life.
Related posts: 12 toxic habits to quit for a healthy mind
18. Having no boundaries
If you have the habit of giving in to all requests and offers and saying YES then you need to start setting a healthy boundary.
You can be a person who loves to do good for all and is unable to deny anyone even if it costs you your peace and happiness.
But your own mental happiness and health need you to draw a line and start saying NO.
Closing thoughts
Make the correct choices of picking up the right habit towards the path of adding more happiness to your life.
You are born to be happy. We all do.
The thing that sets us on the other side of happiness is making space for life changing habits.
Removing the bad habits out of life helps to improve the portion of happiness and start living your best life.
Do you have anything else that you consider poor habits needs to be cut to make you more happy?
Share your thoughts in the comments below!
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