Have you ever felt it difficult to find your authentic self even when your deeper core voices the truth about you?
This post will help you with 7 ways to stay true to yourself. Find your real self and become a free individual.

How To Find Your Authentic Self
A false self is someone else with a different face to become accepted and liked by a group.
We all are disguised, having personalities that do not belong to us. To become an authentic self, you need to peel those masked outer layers. Then, only you can meet the inner being—an individualized one.
In this post, I will be sharing 7 ways to find your authentic self. These steps are always helping me each time I forget to delve deep into my real being.
This post is a way to find out our authentic selves and how our past life experiences, and societal expectations have made us the person we are today.
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What is an Authentic Self?
An authentic self is the true self of a person. To find your authentic self focus on the persona of your deepest core. This person in you is not bound by name, fame, possessions, or relationship.
The values or the ideals you have developed in your mind witnessing life experiences that align with your daily actions.
For example, you believe that you are a patient person. You are committed to patience even in the most difficult times.
This authentic self in you is true to yourself as you know who you are in real. It is not the false ego self that is created for the sake of society.
A true self goes beyond the shackles of what you are doing for a living, how much wealth you have, and who you are to whom.
This is the part of you that does not care what others think. Your true self is not wearing a false mask to please others and be liked by a group.
Let us find out the 7 ways you can find your authentic self and become a genuine being unmoved by societal patterns and age-old fears.
7 Ways To Be Your True Self
1. Ask questions to yourself
The first thing is to get to know your true self, asking questions to yourself. These are powerful journal prompts that help to peel your hidden personality layers.
The more deeper the questions you ask the more clearer you get to understand who you are.
Your mind can get clogged with the rush of this 3D world, you tend to mistake yourself somebody else. Find yourself again with these journal prompts to reflect on your authentic self.
2. Visualize your ideal life
Visualizing your ideal life can help you to find yourself again. This ideal is the real you that is behind the veil of the face you are showing just for the sake.
Imagine your happy dream life. Make mental imagery of those events, actions, conversations, feelings, and emotions that you will feel if that is true just now. Forget everything else.
Analyze your dreams to know what you dearly want to be, not what society approves of you to be. Think beyond name, fame, and materials. Your imaginary act will assist you in meeting the real you.
Here is a post on: How to raise your vibrational energy
3. Find your passions
Think about the time when you find real joy in any activity. It can be a creative thing, a sport, or a hobby.
Passions that make you feel recharged and forget all the worries of this daily life, are one of the vital ways to find your authentic self.
Doing what you love and finding peace and harmony from it helps us to see the deeper self we normally forget.
4. Practice solitude
Enjoying alone time does not equate to getting lonely. Rather use these phases of solitude to immerse in yourself. This self is not the one you show daily to run your life.
It is your innermost being that signals you in hunches, intimations, intuitions, urges, and desires. Many problems in your life can be solved when you connect in peace with that deeper self, your authentic self.
What I do is find a quiet place where I am left undisturbed, close my eyes, and let all those ‘real life’ thoughts pass by. You can begin sitting in solace and use this time not to force anything into your mind.
With practice, you will get to find what you want, what are those things you wanted to do in your childhood but could not, how you can come out of any pain from your past, what makes you truly happy, etc.
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5. Cut out on digital gadgets
Make time to spend time in nature rather than on digital gadgets. Use a day off for cell phones, tablets, news information, etc.
A few tranquil minutes to a refreshing hour in a park, in your backyard, garden, or terrace is the perfect step to find peace.
These are the best moments of finding your true self without comparison, complaint, and resentment.
6. Let go of toxic things in life
We all get afraid at some point in life. I still do! Letting go of toxic things topped with the menace called FEAR, is the stepping stone to being united with your authentic self.
Fear, anger, jealousy, shame, worry, stress, and guilt are some of the negative things and feelings you need to discard slowly to become free again.
Let go of toxic people who tear your mind and make you distracted in your goals. These toxic things are the recipe for making you restless and be attuned to the chaotic world.
You will not be able to listen to your deeper self until you forgive your past, replace negative thoughts with positive ones, find harmony, and love for others.
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7. Express your feelings
Avoid losing your true self in the shadow of others’ perfect life. Your feelings and emotions are the true indicators find your real self.
You may have bad past experiences, childhood comparisons, or a desire to be liked by close ones that made you block your true self. Improving self confidence and self esteem helps you to come out of that fear of judgment.
You have your voice and thoughts. You trust your genuine feelings. Communicate your deepest feelings without any hesitation.
Learn about your values, motives, and goals. Stick to those qualities. Act from love and joy and connect with your heart. Your heart knows whether you are faking or authentic about the core feelings you share.
If you desire to live an authentic self, listen to your inner guidance to expand and grow. By being self compassionate you can rediscover your authentic self.
When you are aware of your true self and accept that self with love, you open the door to the authentic self to show up.
When you meet your genuine self you let go of the need to fit into uneasy surroundings. You become more self assured with a healthy relationship with yourself.
Try these steps to connect with your deeper intuition and core values that make you come alive. If you have any other way, mix and match to find the right alignment in life.
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