How To Let Go of Anxious Mind to Heal Yourself

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Do you feel anxious now and then with an erratic mind that does not know how to rest and relax? Are you in need of healing your anxious mind for more joy and happiness?

Today’s post will help you to calm your anxiety and find a balance for your mental well-being. I have shared 15 ways to let go of your anxiety and heal yourself.

how to let go of anxious mind for self-healing

Let me guess like most of us you are stressed and burnout by the daily busy schedule, deadlines, appointments, home, kids, and chores!

You feel mentally tired to think or do anything in your daily life. You keep feeling the tight knot of anxiety with the ruminating thoughts, feelings, and emotions damping your spirit and positivity.

This is the time to remove any negativity or clutter from your mind to reduce anxiety and stress levels for overall well-being.

Anxiety or anxious behavior is the result of overthinking, making the person more anxious, which leads to more stress and overthinking.

Now let us go through the ways to let go of your anxious mind for self-healing and happiness.

Disclaimer: I am not a licensed therapist nor I do have any professional experience in psychology or mental health. The information shared is purely for educational or informational purposes. Please reach out to a professional expert for help if you are going through a tough situation in your life.

how to let go of anxiety and heal yourself


If you want to heal your turbulent mind try writing out all your stored thoughts, stressful emotions, and feelings on paper.

Journaling is the best form of therapy to get to know yourself and your inner voice in a very simplified process.

There are many things we skip over or never try to comprehend, but placing all in a Journal will help to get your mind free and understand what you are and what is going on in your mind space.

While you are writing never think of any correct way to do it. Just go with the flow of your thoughts and place all your emotions on that paper.


Every day you are exposed to various forms of information, news on television and other digital and print media. These sources spread negativity more than positive and mood-boosting stuff.

Minimizing too much processing of all types of negative and spirit-drooping information is a great way to remove negativity affecting your mental health.

let go of anxious mind and heal yourself

What you consume that you see, read, and listen to; plays an important part in defining the thoughts you have all day. These digital and print consumption shapes your mental balance in a positive or negative direction.

Rather you can immerse your mind in so many personal growth podcasts and videos that help to improve your self-belief and self-confidence while feeling anxious or down.

I am not asking you to turn deaf about the practical situations in life. But when we are always surrounded by negativity or things happening around the world, we tend to drag that hope-tarnishing emotion into our lives.

This toxic feeling displaces all your trust, faith in goodness, and aspiration to improve your life. Take care of what you consume digitally or read in print.

Moreover, self-help books are forever remedies to reduce stress and anxiety by curbing negative mindsets. Positive books that improve our mental health make us optimistic and self-assured. Thus reading always helps you to heal your anxious mind.

This practice has helped me to calm my anxious mind and self-healing process in the past and till now!

Related read: 17 strong ways to be positive person


Take regular time off your day and find that cozy place or corner of your home or workplace or even outside where you imbue your mind and Inner Being with calm tranquility.

You are always spending your time and energy in a rush, speed, and chaos. Taking care of your family, work, kids, and commitments keeps you off from free time to quiet that frenzy mind for a while.

how to heal and calm your anxious mind

Give at least 5 minutes a day to spend with yourself only. Keep calm and avoid forcing yourself to not think of anything else in your life.

If any thoughts arrive in your mind let it float away. You can try this in the morning or evening bedtime routine at your own convenience.

Enjoy this quiet moment in silence and you will see that this daily habit will help you find many ideas or feelings that were hidden due to the daily rush and chaos.


If you want to heal your anxious mind quit complaining about the little trivial things in your life and around you.

The constant view of the world in a negative perspective will always lead you to feel angry, and depressed with an anxious headspace.

Even if something is great in your life you will still be dragged into the vicious circle of complaining. This is something close to me as I am a person who is very much affected by quibbling to get anxious.

But when you choose gratitude and thankfulness to all that you are blessed with, you start developing a kind and compassionate attitude.

This improves your thoughts and feelings to inspire more joy and happiness.

Practicing gratitude for the things you have, the people you see or the blessings from the Supreme Power in your life in every miniature form, turns you into an optimistic person with a healthy mindset.


How you talk to yourself, whether in words aloud or in conversation in your mind, shapes up your mindset and headspace.

Choose your self-talk carefully as it says that what we think turns out to be our reality!

Everything in this world and the Universe is made up of energy that radiates frequency. Your thoughts and self-talk also carry energy that radiates or emits a frequency.

When we talk to ourselves negatively, like:

Why did I even start this… This is not something I can even do!

I am not so beautiful as that celebrity or influencer to make it big!

I always drag the worst in my life!

Nothing good can happen in my life or business or study ever, even if I stay positive!

Now if you change these negative lines into positive statements they become your affirmations:

I am capable and strong to do anything I wish

I am beautiful enough to succeed on my own

I attract positivity and abundance into my life

You see, these are very similar thought processes that run in all of us at every point of our lives.

To get out of these you need daily practice and DEEP FAITH. True, we all face different tough, cruel moments when we start getting pessimistic in life.

I too used to get into this toxic cycle of negative thinking which made me anxious, depressed, and fearful about my present and future.

Saying positive statements in the form of affirmations is a great way to shift your negative mindset into a more positive and healthy one.

Start practicing affirmations, which are positive statements that rewire your brain to shift your negative mindset into greater trust and positivity.

In the beginning, reciting affirmations will make you sound weird. But practicing a few affirmations daily that resonate with your mind eventually, will be able to change your negative thoughts into more positivity and self-belief.

anxiety journal anxiety coping worksheets printable


Choose the people in your life with caution, as similar to negative thoughts, even surrounded by negative people makes you negative.

Many look very harmless but are conniving enough to pull you down with backstabbing statements or hurting your feelings and emotions.

Avoid putting off your high energy in front of those who always lament how bad their life is. It is similar to throwing negative energy at yourself.

Surround yourself with those people who are kind and motivated to pull you up. Those positive people will encourage you in life if you are stuck or confused.

You feel a sense of emotional security and calm being in the atmosphere of these good vibe people. It is great for keeping your anxiety down, thus improving your self-confidence.


Make self-care your number one priority as you are the person who is first to show yourself self-love and value.

Very small self-care habits in your daily life can make a positive change to your mind and overall well-being. Try to incorporate an easy self-care routine in your everyday schedule to feel alive for mental balance.

self care printable planner journal

Looking for a simple way to practice self-care but unable to find the right tools to stay in routine?

Build a self-care discipline with this comprehensive printable, which you can print or use in PDF format digitally.


Regular exercise like yoga and stretching is a miracle for giving your anxious mind the perfect balance to inspire peace and joy in life.

Yoga is a very safe way to keep your body charged and the heart rate pumped up.

Stretching your body and muscles for five to ten minutes of regular workouts to keep your body and mind in shape.

If you are into cardio or any other strenuous exercise, you can easily mix and match with other light forms of workouts to avoid monotony.

When we exercise, our body feels the magic of the endorphin chemical, which is good for the muscles and bones as well as the brain and the nerves.

regular exercise improves mental and physical health wellbeing

I have noticed this beautiful positive effect of yoga is that whenever I miss doing it in my daily morning routine, my unknown fear and anxiety start to creep out of nowhere as the day progresses.

Maintaining a steady schedule of exercising keeps me recharged with full focus with fewer inconsequential thoughts disturbing my mental and overall balance.

Exercise is a powerful tool to manage your anxious mind and heal yourself.


Comparison is very natural for all of us. It reduces our self-worth and self-esteem with time.

Thus your mind becomes constantly anxious as you are always in need to prove your value to someone else’s glorified version of life.

Start thinking that the person with whom you are comparing may not have that level of happiness as shown.

A lot of people try to camouflage their true selves in a superfluous way to come out as the epitome of living the best life. But think about it, they may be going through excruciating pain.

Also, avoid falling into the trap of triggering your comparison button when someone boasts about their life in front of you. Who knows most of them are hiding their insecurities behind the veil of money, fame, or “perfect life”!

Always try to be happy with your own life, even if right now you are going through the hardest phase.

I know from my own life, when nothing used to make me calm once my mind started to become anxious. BELIEVE that you are blessed in every way, you shift your perspective to more positivity.

Work towards your goal without quitting, but quit comparison if you want to calm your fleeting mind with more poise and satisfaction.

Related: How to stop caring what others think of you


Eat a healthy well-balanced diet daily for a clear mind and energy. Too much junk food manipulates the healthy chemicals in your brain, making you restless and anxious.

With daily fruits and vegetables, nuts and pulses, and healthy protein, your body will function properly, giving you positive energy.

By incorporating these good daily habits, you will be able to cope with your anxious mind and heal yourself.

Related read: 40 powerful habits to start healthy lifestyle


Never forget to keep yourself hydrated throughout the day. It is very important to drink plenty of water daily to flush out the toxins from your body.

You can try to add a variety to your water by mixing it with any healthy flavors, but clean drinking water keeps your mind clean. It energizes your body, giving you the right minerals for your brain and mind to work in sync.


Mindfulness is required if you want to quiet your anxious mind and gain peace.

With a mindful habit, you can be able to reduce stress levels and anxiety by becoming more aware and present in the moment.

Being fully conscious of your present moment without any distractions helps to overcome many tough life situations.


mindfulness meditation cure mental anxiousness and brings stability

Try mediation when everything is too much in your day and you want to seek some peace in your mind space.

Meditation is an ideal solution to center all of you in more focus and calm. It quiets your mind and reduces your anxiety level.

Meditating even for a little is great for calming your mental exhaustion.

Just 5 to 10 minutes is enough for daily practice. But if you find mediation very challenging to practice, then go for 1 to 2 minutes. See how you feel and whether you can hold your focus at a center point.

Find a quiet place where no distractions or disturbance will find you. You might find your thoughts wandering. But it’s alright. When this happens, just shift your focus back to breathing.


Take up any hobby or creative idea that makes you giddy with joy, not drain your energy.

Paint, draw, scribble, doodle, kickbox, swim, count stars, eat your favorite meal, dessert anything that takes your sprinting mind to a calm and peaceful state.

This helps in reducing your anxiety and depression and gives you focus on something that energizes your mental health.

Check out this post for inspiration on 17 fun things to do on your day off


A good deep sleep is ideal to keep your mind and body fresh and recharged. Avoid burnout and fatigue to the point of mental and physical exhaustion by going for regular breaks and napping.

This is completely up to the way your body signals. Do not feel guilty that you need sleep in your day. Of course, if you are an office goer then this freedom is absent.

Following a productive night routine will provide the right amount of sleep for a healthy mind and body.

But take your off days or nighttime to relax and sleep whenever you need to calm your anxious mind.

Take care of your sleep schedule as it plays havoc with your stress level, making you feel groggy and tired all day.

By using the above daily habits and tips, you can slowly reduce your anxiety level and have a healthy mind and body. If you found this post helpful, I would be grateful if you share it in Pinterest, Facebook!

Read for more help:

15 ways to let go of anxiety
12 easy ways to calm your anxious mind
14 ways to let go of anxiety

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