Self love Journal Prompts for self-esteem. Find out how much you love and respect yourself from these 50 self-reflective questions
Self-love is the best gift you can give yourself all throughout your life in abundance. You are the first person who is supposed to love yourself the most in this world.
So why do many of us somehow get oblivious to not only love ourselves but also unable to find out the cause of this primary deficit in life?
Today’s topic will guide you to find out how much you love yourself with the help of 50 deep self love journal prompts
The reason may be the environment and society, in which we are all brought up wherever we may be residing in this world, play a crucial role that improves or deteriorates the quantum of self-love and self esteem in us.
Everything starts in your mind with a thought that turns into a belief ultimately shaping into a lifelong behavior. To keep your worth intact you need to safeguard your mental space with utmost love and care.
If the people with whom you are exposed are positive and respectful of you as a person and your life choices, then the seed of self doubt, negative thinking, and limiting beliefs have no place to sprout its wings.
Otherwise, many of us are brought up from a very young age with every type of unfortunate neglect, mean comparison, body shaming, gender shaming, and other vicious reactions and actions that make us think low of ourselves. This in turn slowly nibbles away that sense of self-respect or self-worth in our own eyes and mind.
The iota of self-love and self-worth starts depleting before it starts to grow at an early age. This blocks your path to getting to know the essence of developing the emotion of showing love and kindness to yourself.
As per research, “Self-worth is the internal sense of being good enough and worthy of love and belonging from others”
Similarly, self love or self compassion means, ” self love is sometimes defined as having an appreciation for one’s own worth or value”.
The idea of loving ourselves the most remains just an idea that fails to come to its full glory. When this situation prevails for a long time your self-confidence starts depleting making you vulnerable and confused about your emotions.
But we are powerful enough to help us to conquer our own need for self-love and self-esteem.
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But how will you do it?
- Deeply questioning yourself with life changing prompts is the solution to your lack of self-love and the path to rediscover your self-esteem.
These questions were shoved into a corner of our minds for a long time waiting to find those answers that were lost due to self-doubt and unawareness!
I will be sharing 50 self-reflective journal prompts to know in depth about your level of self love and help you to know the relation you have with yourself and others.
Try these questions daily or at your own pace. Write it down without thinking of sentence correction. Take it as a fun yet self discovery activity to improve your love for yourself.
For more self love inspiration read these posts:
20 Simple habits to boost self confidence
How to glow up your personality in a month

50 Self-love Journal Prompts for Self-esteem
1. Are you insecure about anything or anyone? What are they? If they were not there do you think that could have made your life easier?
2. What are the top three things that are blocking your path to reaching your ultimate potential in life?
3. Are you in love with the life you are currently living? If not then why do you think so? How do you believe you can be able to live a life you truly love?
4. Do you know the meaning of self love? Do you practice self love in daily life? How do you make them part of your life?

5. Do you really love yourself? Why do you love yourself? If not, then why do you don’t love yourself?
6. What are three things you love in your life?
7. What are the 5 features in yourself you love the most?
8. How do you feel when you see yourself in the mirror? Why do you feel those feelings?
9. Do you engage in self-talk? How do you talk to yourself in your mind or verbally? Why?
10. Are there any people or events that created an impact on the level of self-love in your life? How has it impacted your life? How do you feel about them?
11. What are those things you want to do for yourself to improve your respect and worth?
12. How will you write a letter to your younger self?
13. Do you suffer from any guilt from the past? If yes what are those? Why do those events or people make you feel guilty?
14. Mention 5 qualities you appreciate about yourself.

15. What is your dream life? Are you living your dream life? How does it make you feel?
16. Is there anything or anyone stopping you from living your dream life? How is it impacting? Why do you think?
17. How many negative thoughts cross your mind in a day? What are they generally about?
18. Are you taking any measures to replace those negative thoughts? How? Have you started to notice any change at all?
19. With whom do you feel at home to discuss anything?
20. Who loves you the most in your life? How does that love make you feel?
21. What makes you feel special about yourself?
22. Do you feel yourself to be special in your own eyes every day? Or do you have to wait for specific events in your life to feel special?
23. How do close ones in your life treat you in daily life? Explain your feelings and thoughts about them.
24. Have you done anything for yourself to get out of the daily routine that normally takes courage to do? If yes, how did you feel? If not, why have you never tried it before?
25. When you see social media influencers how do they make you feel? Why? Do you really believe in all of them?
26. Are you happy in your own life? If yes, why? If not, why do you think you are not satisfied?
27. Do you believe in the power of your own mind? What do you perceive of your mindset?
28. If you have any negative self-doubt, have you tried replacing them with empowering thoughts ever?

29. How will you give a compliment to every part of your body?
30. What is that one thing that makes you at peace? Why?
31. Which are those top 3 places you find peace at? Why?
32. Mention 5 things (including people) you are grateful for in your life.
33. Do you have the habit of comparing your life with others? How does it make you feel?
34. Does your self-worth and self-esteem get impacted out of comparison with others?
35. What makes you feel at ease?
36. How do you feel when you wake up in the morning? What do you do?
37. How do you end your day? What is your nighttime evening routine?
38. What are the things you feel guilty of? How does that make you feel? How do you think you can let them go?
39. Do you feel less than anyone in life? Why? How can you replace these thoughts?
40. What are the 5 things you do when you feel bored? How does it make you feel?
41. Are you kind to yourself? If not, then why? How do you show kindness to yourself?

42. If your life had no struggle how do you think to have unlimited self-love for yourself?
43. What can you do for yourself to reach the best potential of your life?
44. How do you celebrate your victories, small or large? What do you say to yourself?
45. How do you talk to yourself when you are unable to attain your targets or goals? Why?
46. How do you currently feel in your relationship? How are you treated in your relationship?
47. If you could how will you treat or say to heal your inner child? What will you say to the younger or child version of yourself right now?
48. What are those unique talents and qualities you have that make you? Are you proud of them? If not then why?
49. What are those boundaries that you need to set for yourself to show more respect and love?
50. What did you learn from all these years in your life? How can you make your life more filled with love and respect for now and future?
Final thoughts
These given above list of self love journal prompts has helped me find out some of the deep answers I even did not know.
Something I never thought to ask myself to find out how much I love myself.

This has also helped me to develop and work on my relationship with the nearest environment so that those things never stand between me and my self-love.
Nobody has the power to make you lose your own love and respect for yourself. This is ingrained in all of us from the moment we gain consciousness.
Use these questions at your own pace rather than trying to answer all of them at once.
Pick any journal prompts you are comfortable analyzing in depth for a single day. Avoid rushing and find out the status of your current self love.
Remember you are too precious for yourself in life
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50 Positive self love affirmations to change your life