On the path to manifest your dreams?
Why not!
It is all of our birthright to live in abundance, happiness, and joy, manifesting our dream life into real experience. And it does not matter where each one of us is born.

How to Raise Your Vibration to Manifest Your Dream Life
But still, your daily prayers, positive affirmations, and visualization of the perfect life image cannot lead you to your desired destination.
You must be thinking this Manifestation only works for a few lucky ones!
No, it’s Not!
Like anyone you can attract the dream life, you want with the power of the Law of attraction. The Universe is always backing you up to receive what you dream of dearly.
But you need to check one preliminary criterion that must be missing in your manifesting road.
Raise Your Vibration!
Vibrating at an aligned high energy you open the miracle door of the Universe to shower all your dreams and desires.
With this post, I want to help you understand why it is important to raise your vibration to be aligned with what you want in life.
Also, I share with you the 26 ways to raise your vibration to allow the magical Law of Attraction to work its wonders in your life.
The term Manifesting means: Applying all the thoughts, emotions, feelings, actions, and reactions you project to create the physical experience or the objective reality that you get to see in your world.
Manifesting is the path to align your thoughts, and beliefs with your desires so that your desires happen in actual reality.
This alignment is dependent on the way everything or rather we are vibrating all the time which influences the law of attraction to work its magic to manifest your dreams.
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Everything in existence like you, people, birds, plants, animals, buildings, roads, planets, and stars is made up of energy. They all vibrate with a separate energy or frequency.
Similarly, whatever we think all day, emotions that are provoked, feelings that are projected, the reactions we give to those feelings and thoughts, and actions we take everything is energy vibrating differently, emitting frequencies out in the Universe.
When you feel down, sad, afraid, vengeful, doubtful, guilty, or ashamed then these are low-energy emotions that vibrate at a low frequency.
Whatever you give out in the Universe it returns or you attract the same negativity in your reality. This is according to the Law of Vibrations acting on the Law of Attraction.
Similarly, when you inculcate good thoughts in mind that evoke kindness, happiness, compassion, peace, and harmony you vibrate at a high energy as all these emotions are of high frequency. With high vibrational thoughts, the Law of Attraction helps you to attract what you want. The positive energy you send out returns to your life being more positive.

Follow the Law of attraction to become aligned with your desires
Keeping your thoughts in check and feeling what vibration are you in is a determining factor for the Law of Attraction work to manifest what you want. Remember if you feel negative you attract negatives.
Re-tune your thoughts, and feelings into high vibes and emit those positive frequencies, the Universe is going to bless you with all that you manifest in your life.
The law of Attraction always follows your vibrational match to be able to perform.
This law of attraction cannot interpret any thoughts as positive or negative but acts according to your dominant thoughts and emotions backed by it.
You will always manifest that thing that you constantly think about.
Now that we have covered why you need to raise your vibration to align with the vibration of your dreams and desires.
Let us analyze the 25 ways that can help you to stay in a high vibration even if you are feeling down with life circumstances. Because it is very natural for most of us to be influenced by the chaos and bustle of the day to day life.
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25 Ways to Raise Your Vibration and Manifest Anything
1. Gratitude
Be grateful for what you have right now. Manifestation happens when you are on a high frequency. If you are living an ungrateful life, your thoughts are emitting negative low vibes and low frequency.
Gratitude is the most important way to raise your vibration. That is why I have mentioned it in the very beginning.
Wearing the attitude of gratitude sends the message to the universe that you are happy and grateful for all that you are being blessed with. This creates more space for abundance and attracts what you want in reality.
Use gratitude affirmations in your morning and evening to raise your vibrations. Simply start your day with the three things or five things anything you want, in your life that make you grateful.
Believe me! It does wonder. Universe is your friend and always want your best. With a grateful abundant mind, you send a message to the Universe that you are ready for more.
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2. Deep Prayer
To raise your vibration get into the habit of praying for a few minutes to your Higher Self or any power that you have faith in.
If you feel downhearted anytime just focus your mind on the Super Power. You may not want to say any words, just sit in silence and ask for Divine Guidance for anything troubling you.
Think of God or the Power from where you are drawing high energy. This will set your mind at peace and tranquility and help to manifest your wants.
3. Reprogram your Mindset
When you change and shift the mindset, from the lack to one of abundance, you start to see the miracle changes happening all around you.
A positive mindset of abundance raises your vibration to manifest your desires into reality. We normally fall prey to a shift toward a lack mindset whenever something inconvenient is thrown into our lives.

Rather than thinking of the worst, change your thoughts, and expect the best out of every situation you are in.
It isn’t easy initially but with determination and faith in your belief, you will reprogram your mindset.
Raise your vibration towards positivity, and tap the unlimited potential of your subconscious mind to represent your desires in the tangible world.
Here is a post on 17 ways to become a positive person
4. Relax & Let Go of Fear & Worry
Rise above your fear and build that positive mindset that pushes you to have full faith in manifesting your desires.
Fear is a common mental illness that creeps into our minds as negative thoughts. Your life experiences, childhood, surroundings, and culture instill thoughts of fear throughout your life to control and manage you to abide by certain rules.
Propagating fear is an age-old formula of many societies to take advantage of minds and conform according to set patterns.
Many manifestations fail due to all these fearful thoughts poisoning minds to the extent that the law of attraction starts working the other way. Even if you feel negative at any moment tune in to your ideal blissful positive state of being.
Remember, what you give out in the Universe you attract tenfold!
The solution that always helps me to stay away from fear is positive affirmations which I recite morning after waking up and evening before sleep.
You can recite positive statements any time you want to. Regular practice and hearing these strong booster statements help you to let go of worry, fear and insecurity.
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5. Meditate Mindfully

When you meditate you focus your mind on the present. Manifestation is all about letting go of the past and centering yourself into your right now.
Mindfulness or being aware of the present helps you to drag your clogged mind into a more peaceful state where you raise your vibrational energy to make anything happen.
Mindful meditation is one of the powerful tools for manifesting your dreams and letting the law of attraction work in full splendor.
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6. Stretch and Move your Body
If you love yoga and stretching weekly, then you will notice that when you skip exercise for a week you start feeling different from your mind and body. This is the effect of low vibration spiraling in your body due to less energy circulation.
We already know everything is made up of energy, so when you stretch, do yoga or any form of exercise you feel vibrant and rejuvenated.
The mind gets active and pushes good chemicals through your body. Thus you as a being emits high vibes and positive frequency.
7. Feed yourself Whole Healthy Food
A good healthy eating habit comprising whole food, good proteins and good carbs helps you to feel good and energetic. Processed food, fatty meat, and too much alcohol clog your arteries along with bloating and digestive issues.
Take care of your meal plan to have a highly vibrating body and mind. Your manifestation also becomes easier when you feel good from the inside.
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8. Drink water for Hydration

It is very challenging for most of us to keep a high vibration constantly. If you feel off in your body or mind, hydrate yourself with intermittent clean water to circulate oxygen in your body and blood.
You may opt for fresh juice or a smoothie but nothing beats than to have clear and fresh water to soothe all your stress.
9. Let Go of Pessimistic People with Poor Thoughts
The people with whom you surround play an immense role in either lifting your vibration up or taking your thoughts and feelings flat. Many are there who have a habit of throwing their pessimistic attitude toward you, a way to pull you down or maybe they are like that.
Just try to stay away or if possible cut them off your life and aura! It is better to keep your sanity safe.
Negative attitude is itself a mental disease that is very contagious.
Moreover, our minds always tend to be inclined toward negative thoughts. Even if you are feeling great with high vibrational energy suddenly a painful memory or an apprehension might pull your thoughts into a different angle.
Avoid getting into arguments, complaining, and vengefulness to spare your mind from attracting low vibrational energy.
Always try to be positive and have faith in yourself and the Power and Universe that loves you most and wants the best for you.
Just Believe!
Manifestation works where you start to have an extreme conviction that whatever you want is ALREADY DONE.
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10. Immerse in Nature a true healer
Nature has the true power to change your negative vibes or foul mood into a highly charged mindset.

Try it the first thing in your morning routine and see how you feel the rest of the day.
Even if it is that small corner of your balcony, some sprawling park, or just a stroll in your neighborhood, spending at least 10 minutes is a true healer outside with those natural beauties.
Your mind feels fresh with that improved calm energy.
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11. Find Beauty in All
With daily events and situations, many negativity passes through us.
How to come out of it? Bringing out the good things that create a sensation of joy is what manifestation is all about.
Find beauty and good in everything around you, even at this moment it feels difficult.
Staying in your bliss state of mind drives more high vibration out there to urge the Universe to work its attraction miracle in giving you everything you want to manifest in your life.
12. Find new ways to Smile and Laugh

Smile whenever you can and feel that fuzz in you that attracts the best you want to manifest.
Laughing out or even smiling boosts your mood and produces feel-good chemicals in your brain thus, allowing your high vibes to attract your manifested dreams.
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13. Never suppress your Innocent Mind
Remember those days when we were little children and anything new would have fascinated us with awe and wonder?
Even now when grown up let your mind get charmed with anything that excites you. Tuning in with the world we are living in makes us forget all those innocent feelings and thoughts that we used to enjoy earlier as small ones.
Small things used to give us happiness like the shedding of dry leaves, bubbles, birds flying around, beautiful chirping sounds, feeding ducks in the pond, lying on the grass, and much more!
Always try to keep your child-like innocent mind alive to connect with your inner being.
You can adjust your mental gear anytime to feel high-vibrational energy channeling through you. It will become easier for you to align with your manifestation.
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14. Bask in Sunlight
Basking in the rays of sunlight (wear sunscreen!) can do magic for your mood lifting it up to feel happy and alive.
Raise your vibration by feeling the warmth of sun rays and match your vibrational frequency to the desired result.
15. Groove to Good Music & Dance
Nothing beats soothing music or a peppy tune and feel joyful. Whenever you are feeling down and stressed listen to any music that gives you happiness and lifts your energy.
The law of attraction will work in your favor positively when you feel blissed and in connection with your wanted dreams.
If you are fond of dancing groove to good music or songs that burn your calories, pump your heart along with boosting your vibrational energy.
A win-win!

16. Get Creative and find Inspiration in Everything
Creativity makes you think in the right and positive direction. It is this phase when you focus on creating something awesome.
Your good thoughts create equally good feelings with emotions, which act as a fire to the hot oil of your desires’ manifestation.
When you are inspired by new ideas, you are at the top of your mental space, a place where no negative thoughts can dare to pervade. This is the sweet spot for helping the law of attraction bring everything you are manifesting in actuality.
Start that online business you always dreamt of but did not have enough inspiration to create it. Or start your blog and share all your creativity and knowledge to serve the world.
17. Spend your time in Hobbies
Engage in hobbies that give you a free window to immerse your mind into positive productivity rather than mindless scrolling of social media, we all fall into this trap. Do anything you want to engage in your free time and feel good.
The main purpose of raising your vibration is to be in the feelings and emotions that give you hope and faith.
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18. Get Instant energy with a Quick run or Brisk Walk

If you ever suddenly feel low energy or negative thoughts trying to invade your mind try going for a brisk walk, run, or better jog in your space. T
hat low vibes will go away as your heart beats faster and sudden adrenaline in your brain kicks that feel good factor all across your body.
19. Take care of what you are Consuming
Check what you are feeding your mind, eyes, and ears all day long. Be it social media, newspapers, or news channels on television.
Monitoring and avoiding the consumption of news and information that will never lift your spirit high but rather instill fear, self doubt, apprehension, shame, or feeling lesser than the other. All this negativity is going to wilt your energy.
No one wants to trample a high positive vibrational frequency that is conducive to attracting dream life by letting this vicious news infiltrate the mind.
Rather try to read or consume good self-help books, or motivational podcasts to open the ‘bandwidth’ of your mind and soul. Motivational quotes and positive words always uplift your vibrational energy and align your manifested life.
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20. Clean Up and Tidy your space

When you find your space around you dirty and dusty how do you feel? Irritated or a sense of overwhelm, right?
Clutter always brings our energy down as dirt is a negative source of vibration with low frequency. You feel constant stress about the untidy areas of your life. Your mind will also get clogged to do anything that gives you happiness.
Manifesting your dreams requires you to clean up and tidy all those dirty spaces to feel great and have high vibrational frequency.
When you feel under that fuzz of warmth you send a positive energy to the Universe, backing up the law of attraction to deliver your wishes.
21. Organize to become Productive
When your surroundings as well as life are organized you feel composed and confident in everything you do.
Take charge of your life by keeping your things in the proper places and improving productivity.
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22. Breath Deeply for Peace
Find your peace to get back to high vibes. Life throws many challenges to us which are to be taken with the faith that all are going to be alright. Your life situation is not to derail from your mental peace.
Try practicing breathing when you feel stressed or exhausted. Deep and slow breathing one after the other, until you feel a sense of calm and the tightness in your heart gets away.
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23. Do Nothing and Enjoy the Silence
Do nothing by staying in silence and enjoying the peace. Either early in the morning or late before going to sleep when everything seems calm and tranquil.
Silence gives a rest to your active mind and you focus deep in yourself, face to face with the inner being.
Silence raises your vibration to manifest the dream of your life.
24. Take Action to reach your Goals in life
Dream big by setting intentions and having goals in your life. Goals in life give us a direction and objective to achieve them. It gives you a sense of purpose in life.
Adopt steps to reach your goals and feel that exuberance once you do it. Manifesting your dreams and the life you want are also a part of your goals.
Take action every day even if it is a small one, as it adds up to a mighty one. You won’t be able to manifest if you wish something and sit without taking any action thinking it will happen on its own.
It is true manifestation requires minimum effort. But then the law of attraction will work when you do the same.
Change always starts with ourselves. Show up daily for yourself and receive what you want.
25. Learn Something New that Gives You Joy
Raise your vibration by investing yourself in learning something new.
Any new thing always gives a special joy and accomplishment in our minds. This also keeps your brain active as your complete focus is to learn that new project with anticipation.
26. Surround Yourself with Like-Minded People
Be with those people, friends, and family who pull you up and are high vibrational ones. Many are there who have the habit of shoving bad energy on you. Avoid falling into that energy drain trap. Get away!
Suppose you have finally taken the steps to follow all these above ways to raise your vibration to manifest your dream life. But that one person keeps popping out and destroying your mind now and then by sharing all those negative and fearful thoughts about life, age, gender, and who knows what else!
You are the sole owner of your mind. Avoid any disruption that may cause you to fall back into the same negative thoughts of self-doubt, shame, and fear.
These thoughts are very natural to come to mind. But with manifestation techniques, you will be able to re-calibrate to that high vibrational energetic frequency to make your Future into your Now.
Final Thoughts
You must be fully in the new mode to make your dreams come true. Raising your vibration helps to attract that thing which you want in life.
Be into that feeling as if you already have that you always manifested in reality. The Law of vibrational energy creates a positive vibe for the Law of Attraction to bring them into your life in reality.
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I hope this post has given you the possible ways to raise your vibration and make your path to manifesting your dream life clear. You are most welcome to share your thoughts about your manifestation path and how you raise your vibration by commenting below.
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