My Ultimate Morning Routine Checklist that changed my life

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Do you struggle with rush and shortage of time in the morning? This post shares an ultimate morning routine checklist that can help to make your morning productive.

my ultimate morning routine checklist that changed my life

I too suffered from a lack of motivation in my morning specially for not having a well-organized routine or plan. And to day I am sharing with you my morning routine checklist that changed me for the best.

My Ultimate Morning Routine Checklist That Changed My Life

My latest Ultimate Morning Routine Checklist that changed My Life may give you some insight into making your morning more meaningful and productive!

Let’s check it out!

12 ultimate morning routine checklist
my ultimate morning routine checklist that changed my life

But first, what is a Morning Routine?

The Morning Routine is the type of activities or actions we perform every morning regularly. Regular practice of the same type of activities in the morning ultimately becomes a habit or forms a routine in our lives.

As Gautama Buddha said, ” Every morning we are born again”

Morning is when you wake up well-rested from a night’s sleep and your brain is at complete ease. So it is the fresh start of the day with new hopes and thoughts.

Getting up in the morning is similar to being born as the present matters to you the most, not the past.

I have started to follow this morning routine that changed my life. Now let me share this with you!

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the ultimate morning routine to change your life

The Ultimate Life Changing Morning Routine Checklist

1. Wake Up Early

Waking up in the morning is an important part of your daily morning routine as it sets the tone of your day. Honestly, for me getting up at 5 a.m is not a very wanted option. This timing is very subjective. It may vary as per the individual, and which wake-up time you are comfortable with.

Still, if you can wake up as early as possible, you are going to have more time in the morning for yourself, especially between 6 a.m. and 9 a.m. before you start your day!

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2. Organize My Bed

After getting up from bed I always make sure to organize the bed I slept in so that it looks neat and clean.

A clean bed in top condition is always welcoming when I retire at the end of my day for a good night’s sleep! Decluttering your bed gives you a sense of mental peace.

I feel an organized bed is just like a sanctuary where my body will get sleep and recharge for the next day.

3. Open the Windows and Curtains

Letting sunshine into my room brightens everything in the early morning. Opening the windows and drawing curtains helps me to smell the fresh air and feel the warm sunlight.

Especially good weather in the morning sets positive vibes for the rest of my day. It will make you feel like you welcome the bright day to write a new note in your mind!

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4. Smile in Front of the Mirror

I have tried to follow this practice of smiling in front of the mirror as it is my way of greeting good morning to me the first thing in my morning routine!

This may seem weird the first time, but smiling right after you wake up gives a sense of calm and peace. It brings positivity when you see your face after a night’s sleep, even if it looks rested, fresh, and swollen!

Try adding some positive lines for yourself like, “I love you”, “I am enough”, “I am beautiful”. These words are a powerful motivator as your morning prayer. Say them looking at your eyes in the mirror!

Smiling in front of the mirror and looking at myself is my way of saying good morning and wishing myself well for my day ahead! Why don’t you try it and see how it makes you feel?

You may like to read this: 20 strong ways to love yourself more

5. Chant Positive Affirmations with Gratitude

Repeating or chanting positive affirmations with gratitude either in front of the mirror or sitting allows me to draw positive vibes and a sense of being grateful for the rest of my day.

Repeatations of affirmations that normally begin with ‘I am…’ make you feel grateful for everything you already have in your life. This affirmation solidifies the fact in your brain that you are blessed, and worthy. It puts you in the right frame of mind!

A few examples of affirmations and gratitude go like these:

I am strong enough to achieve anything in life

I am grateful for the life God has given to me

I am blessed

I am brave.

I am blessed for the food, clothing, and shelter from the Universe.

Download this Free Gratitude List planner printable in PDF straight into your inbox

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6. Drink a Glass of Water

I drink a glass of fresh water in the morning which helps to hydrate my body after a long night’s sleep. It feels good for the cool water to clear your body as well as mind in the morning.

7. Wash and Shower

Washing my face and having a nice shower in the morning makes me relaxed and wake my body up completely. It is a way to start my day on a good note!

Moreover, I work from home, so having a shower in the morning feels right to kick-start my day before I take up my to-do tasks.

8. Make Myself Tea (I love tea!) with a few Nuts

Yes! I love my tea mostly in the early morning sitting outside with a hot cup of green tea or Darjeeling tea and a handful of nutritious nuts, a perfect combination for my awesome morning routine.

good morning habits

9. Get ready for Yoga and Stretching

I am not a fan of doing morning cardio or running outside. But I like doing serious yoga and stretching in the morning.

10. Write down My Thoughts and Read

Journalling and writing down my thoughts in the morning is a new morning routine I have started. It is my favorite one as this help me to pour my mind onto a piece of paper. It is a liberating way to speak with paper and a pen.

Reading also helps to bring that focus back as I start my morning.

It helps to focus my attention on a particular task at a time as the day progresses. Sometimes I read a small chapter of an article, a blog post, or a book.

This is purely subjective and these habits or morning routines are based on individuals’ choices and preferences.

The journal planner includes pages for self-care checklist, daily planner, routines, weekly, monthly, yearly goals planner, journal prompts, affirmations for your daily practice, self-care trackers, reflection journal to feel good about yourself and much more.

self care planner printable

11. Check My To-do List

Planning your morning activities is an important step to being more productive in a day. But hey! I too neglected to make a to-do list so that I could follow a plan for my tasks.

Now once I have started making a to-do list and following that each morning just ticking it off as I go, everything has started to fall into the right place!

The to-do list need not have to be long, just 2 or 3 of the most important tasks that I want to get done in a day. A little is better than none at all!

12. Eat a Healthy Breakfast

Having a nutritious breakfast adds fuel to my body and energy level. It recharges the system to run for the rest of the day!

I love making breakfast in the morning and helping me to tackle the day gladly.

This is my ultimate morning routine checklist that has made a positive change in my life for the better.

I would love to know what your perfect morning routine looks like. Comment below for a chat!

For now thanks for reading!

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