Do you need a productive nighttime routine to retire for the day into a blissful state of mind?
This post provides exactly that solution, making you feel relaxed before you fall asleep.

Productive Nighttime Routine Before bed to de-stress
These easy self-care rituals for your night are a great way to unwind and reboot for the morning.
With these easy healthy bedtime habits, your sleep schedule will be great along with a charged up morning.
We all know the importance of a good night’s sleep and how quality and quantity of sleep affect our mental and physical health every day.
In this blog post, I share the most important 13 productive things to do for a perfect night of rest.
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13 Bedtime Routine for Good Sleep
1. No digital screen at least 1 hour before bed:
A digital screen emits a harmful blue light that, when kept on in front of our eyes, reduces the melatonin in our bodies.
Melatonin is a chemical that helps you fall asleep during the night. That is why you should try to stop using any mobile, television, or digital screen for at least one hour before you decide to sleep.
No screen time before sleep also helps to give relief to your eyes in the form of relaxation to your retina. Falling asleep just after turning your digital screen off, disturbs your sleep quality and often is the cause of tossing and turning during the night while in bed.
One hour of resting your eye also is helpful for your brain to stay calm and at ease making it much more beneficial to have a good night of sleep.
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2. Express gratitude:
Gratitude is a powerful tool for replacing your mood with positivity and more happiness. Expressing your gratitude about the events or people in your day before retiring to bed helps you to be aware of the little things you normally miss.
Write down or say to yourself at least three things you are thankful for in your day. These can be anything from food, any person, things, or most vital, your breathing.
So often we forget to be grateful for these simple yet life changing facets, being thankful for all that you have replaces your stressful mind with abundant happiness for a productive nighttime routine.
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3. Read a good book:

What you consume during nightime results in the quality or quantity of sleep you are to have. Too much social media scrolling disturbs your mind with flashes of other people’s lives which has nothing to do with yours!
Rather opt for a good book that lifts your spirit. I know very well how addictive is to be drawn to Instagram feeds for new flashy updates, but try starting this habit of allocating a few good personal development books around you during the night.
It is better to opt for a book that gives you a solution for your personal growth. Select a book and fix a time before you go to sleep.
Take this as a productive nighttime reading challenge for at least 10 minutes or one page. Target to read for at least seven days, you will notice a change in your sleeping pattern.
Reading books helps our brain to focus rather than being wrapped up in the game of comparison or self-doubt.
I mean who wants those negative thoughts right before going to a wonderful sleep? Reading helps to make your nighttime productive and calm.
4. Sit quietly:
Select a space where you can sit without anyone or anything disturbing your peace. Sit quietly for a few minutes and just focus on your breathing. If any thoughts arrive from your day’s event let it be.
Avoid forcing anything on you, allow those thoughts to flow. Then again try to bring back your mind to the present. The aim is to bring your chaotic mind back to calm and become aware of your present. In this way, you will be able to inculcate mindfulness in your day.
If you are someone into meditation and really enjoy that moment immerse your mind and body into a meditative poise to bring about peaceful bliss. Meditation for at least 5 minutes a day is effective in resetting your fatigued mind and body. It becomes even more special and beneficial when practice at the end of your day before going to sleep.
To make your night productive and peaceful give yourself a few minutes of utter silence and mindful meditation.
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5. No caffeine or alcohol before bed:
Coffee during the night sabotages your sleep melatonin making it difficult to fall asleep. Caffeine during the evening reduces your sleep quality.
Similarly cutting down on alcohol before going to sleep helps to make a productive nighttime routine for your heart and overall health.
Alcohol and caffeine both are detrimental to your bedtime routine and good sleep.
6. Nighttime herbal tea:

Rather than being caffeinated or sedated from alcohol a better way to make your nighttime routine productive is to have an aromatic herbal tea.
Just make sure not to have your favorite tea just before you go to sleep. You can opt for green tea or chamomile tea which is great for feeling light and induces good quality sleep without any distraction.
Drinking any light herbal tea helps you to relax, unwind, and forget all the stress of the day.
But always remember anything mentioned in this post is just for informative purposes and you are not obliged to follow them. Whatever you resonate with and find beneficial stick with them for a productive nighttime routine.
7. Do something you love:
To make your nighttime routine productive engage in your favorite activities that you enjoy. The night is the perfect time to be more relaxed and at peace, so try out any hobby of yours that puts you at ease.
Drawing, painting, listening to music, playing with pets if you have any, or even if you are someone who enjoys organizing your home before you return to bed are some of the happy options of activities anyone can be involved in to find that blissful state of mind.
When you are feeling giddy with joy you become calm making your night more productive and peaceful.
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8. Pray:
A productive bedtime routine is incomplete without prayer. When you pray you connect with your higher energy or supreme creator, that is the time when you disconnect from the general chaos of this world.
Prayer gives you the scope to speak your thoughts and feelings to the Universe or the Super energy. It is a process of resetting your life for the next beautiful morning. Praying is a form of communication one has spiritually to manifest dreams and wishes.
Try praying before you go to sleep and feel the positive vibes you feel which makes your nighttime routine more productive.
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9. Eat a light meal and drink water:
Avoid heavy meals during the night as it makes you feel bloated with digestion issues. This will only give you trouble to fall asleep and keep you awake for long.
Research says that any heavy food after seven in the evening becomes difficult for the body to digest properly. So make sure to have a light dinner at least one hour before going to bed. This will make you feel light and keep your nighttime routine productive and balanced.
Make sure to drink plain water before you go to sleep as a hydrated body induces a good quality of sleep. Water also helps in the digestion of your food.
At the same time drinking water too close to your bedtime results in an interruption in your sleep cycle. Lack of sleep deprivation with too many bathroom breaks disturbs your sleep and affects your health.
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10. Write the next day’s to do list:
Staying organized at the end of your day is important to relieve yourself from being overwhelmed the next morning.
What better way to do it than by jotting down the next day’s to-do list before your bedtime?
Writing the three most important tasks that you need to do in the morning helps you to stay calm and be more productive. Also, it is better if you arrange your workout clothes for a better morning routine and your work attire ready so that you avoid last minute stress.
Your nighttime is an ideal moment to make yourself organized and ready for the morning ahead.
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11. Journal your mind:
The time before you go to sleep is the perfect moment to write out all your day’s thoughts and feelings on paper. It is a cleansing process of your mind which helps to empty your emotions in words. When you write you become aware of any issue disturbing your mind.
This also helps to make you look at your day’s events from a different perspective and might make you come up with a solution.
Journaling at night makes it easy for your conscious mind to let go of any stress or fatigue. Nighttime writing recharges your brain to wake up fresh the next morning.

12. Breathing or light stretch:
Take time to sit at a place where you won’t be disturbed in any way. Try removing or shoving away all the events that went through your whole day.
Imagine yourself in a happy state and then focus on your breathing. Take a few normal breaths followed by a few deep breaths to relax your brain and the tensed muscles.
If you want to improve your sleep try light stretching as an alternative or mix them up. When you stretch you let go of that stress or burnout, eventually relaxing your body as well as your mind at the end of your day.
Stretching helps your muscles and joints loosen up to get ready for a good night’s sleep and get recharged for a new morning.
13. Take care of your skin:
Your skin care should be a MUST for every nighttime routine self-care. Treat yourself with love and good skincare products that take off the day’s dirt and stress.
Take off your makeup and use a skin-friendly cleanser or face wash followed by your favorite moisturizer and eye cream if you want.
Don’t forget your lips, hands, or feet as these are the most neglected parts we often miss to take care of. Nighttime skincare massages improve blood circulation making you feel fresh and relaxed.
A nicely pampered skincare ritual will take you to a blissful state inducing a night of good sleep.
On final thoughts, you can go for any routine or ritual to make your nighttime productive and peaceful. The ultimate aim is to make yourself feel relaxed and destressed from the whole day of rush and anxiety.
Bedtime is the perfect moment to unwind your tensed nerves and relax your turbulent emotions in the bliss of good productive habits.
You can choose however you want to make the best of your nighttime routine to have a sound sleep.
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I loved the article. it is very helpful for me. great advice. thanks.
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