Easy Self-Care Practices for Busy Life – 65 Ideas
Want to know easy Self-care practices for a busy life to help you have the right mindset with inner peace and poise?
Then you may keep reading…
Self-care is a much-needed balm to your health giving you a soothing feeling for your long-term benefit.
Today your daily busy life requires you to be fast and on your toes every time. We tend to neglect and overlook the minimum self-care practices that are necessary to keep our minds, body, and soul in good shape.
Recharge yourself take time from your busy hectic schedule and just soak into some easy self-care practices. You can perform these activities at your own pace from anywhere.
Taking care of yourself is the best thing you can gift to yourself. That is not something to be taken as selfish!
What is Self-care?

As per research, ‘Self Care in health refers to the activities individuals, families and communities undertake with the intention of enhancing health, preventing disease, limiting illness, and restoring health’.
Self-care is the combination of activities that you perform for yourself to give you physical, emotional, spiritual, and health benefits.
In simple language, it is the art of taking care of your mind, body, and soul with the help of daily practices and habits
Self-care is an important part of your daily life for boosting your self-confidence. It is the unselfish act of self-love.
I am going to list 64 easy self-care practices for your busy life. You may find a suitable time to try anyone out.
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65 Best Self-care Activities
1. Wake up with sunrise – Waking up early morning with sunrise sets your momentum for the day positively.
2. Journalling – Write your thoughts on pen and paper as it is crucial to align your real thoughts ahead.
3. Make yourself a priority – You are the only person who can take good self-care for yourself. Making yourself a priority is the first step to your self-care practice ritual.
4. Sleep for 7 hours – Having a 7-hour sleep pattern will positively calm your body and mind.
5. Stretch yourself – Stretch your body to occasionally free your muscles.
6. Drink water – Stay hydrated all day for that extra energy
7. Shower, Brush your teeth – The daily habit of cleaning yourself up is one of the most necessary easy self-care practices you can give yourself.
8. Have a warm cup of Tea/Coffee – Drinking your favorite hot beverage is an ideal self-care practice. Feel that aroma and warmth. Enjoy each moment of having your favorite hot beverage in your hand!
9. Donate to charity – Giving your stuff that you do not use or which was an unnecessary buy to someone who needs those, is a humble way of self-care practice.
You will feel good and be more kind making you whole and happy!
10. Cuddle with your pet – (if you have any)

11. Hug yourself tightly – Embracing yourself will make a major change in your heart. It signals your brain that you accept and love yourself more than anything.
12. Value yourself without any Judgement – You are the only person to value yourself first. Practicing self-care is not at all selfish it is an act of self-love that you need to adopt every day as a habit.
13. Say 3 positive things about your day or yourself – Repeating positive and kind things about yourself sets a positive tone in your health and mind. It aids your brain to believe in your potential.

I am sure you do!
14. Express gratitude for everything (even if your situation is not) -An easy and effective self-care practice is expressing your gratitude for what you are and what you have.
Even if your situation is not appropriate to find that positive balance, being gratified for whatever you have gives you a sense of deep mental satisfaction.
Related post: How daily gratitude saves you during tough days
15. Heal or cut any anger or negative feelings – If you are having pent-up resentment or anger or negative thoughts you remove them.
I know it becomes difficult sometimes when we are continuously hurt by someone or something. But letting go of these energy-draining feelings will only give you peace of mind, body, or soul.
16. Have a nutritious meal – Load your plate full of healthy and good food giving you an extra boost.
17. Organize your room – When you look around your room and find everything is in its proper place you will feel more organized in your mind. This will center you.
18. Declutter a space
19. Cook yourself a special meal – Cook a healthy meal once in a while that makes you happy for yourself and can be made quickly.
20. Enjoy a smoothie
21. Go out for a walk (with yourself) – Spending time with yourself alone for a walk will make you your best friend.
22. Get sunlight and nature

23. Change your looks – It is easy to stay an attractive woman by redoing your looks along with some habits
24. Have a girl’s night out – Enjoy your time all for yourself, like you do not care!
Related post: How to be that girl and enjoy life
25. Enjoy a picnic – here is a post on 17 things to do when having a day off
26. Go for a movie date with yourself
27. Enjoy your favorite chocolate or candy
28. Just breathe for 5 to 10 minutes (without thinking anything)
29. Watch the sunset and sunrise – nature has provided us with so many wonders that we can enjoy to feel alive anytime!
30. Do nothing – sometimes doing nothing and sitting in solace helps a lot to find your authentic self and have a deep inner connection.
31. Take a nap – there is no shame to rest and have a nap. A great way to show your tired mind and body immense love.
32. Play your favorite song
33. Dance as you like – You don’t have to be a dancer to make some groovy moves. Good for your mind and keep your core fit!
34. Sing a tune you love (even if you are not good at it!)
35. Call up a dear person and speak your heart out!
36. Say no – Taking care of your boundaries is the best form of self-care practice you can adopt. Saying no to those things that you do not want to commit to makes you sure of yourself.
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37. Show kindness – Acts of kindness will only add up to your self-care practices. This will make your heart content and happy.
38. Water your plants (if you have one) – Watering those beauties on your balcony, backyard or terrace will distract your mind from daily stress and anxiety. Being at the present moment makes you at peace and happy.
39. Practice yoga – Find balance and core strength with yoga poses. Relax and recharge with the simple flow of yoga.
40. Pick up a hobby you longed to do
41. Count stars – Counting stars on a clear night right from a cozy corner of your home or away will make you giddy like a kid.
Soak into that moment of wonder and feel happy to be a part of it.
42. Watch butterflies – This is one of the easiest self-care practices you may happily perform for yourself. Watching the wonders of nature is surely an easy way to give your mind and soul refreshment.
43. Go out on a date with yourself
44. Have a manicure and pedicure
45. Wear a face mask – Take care of your skin by trying a face mask to get that natural misty glow on your face. There is nothing better to feel great than seeing a bright face.
46. Have a bubble bath
47. Paint your home
48. Draw or paint a coloring book
49. Plan a journey with yourself
50. Treat yourself – Go shopping for yourself is a sure self-care practice that is easy for you but not for your pocket.
51. Take a day off – Give yourself some love and care with a full day totally meant for you only.
52. Turn off your phone for half a day (better all day!)
53. Unfollow negative people – Removing negative followers on social media is a genuinely easy self-care practice.
54. Cut off toxic people from your life
Learn 12 toxic habits that you need to cut out of life
55. Wear that outfit you never had – Like many of us, we buy outfits but we never put them on. Now is your time to bring out those clothes and have a show of them.
56. Dress up like a Diva and have a Photoshoot – Bring out that pretty dress you love and have a photoshoot like you are a Diva!
Voila! What better way to find an easy self-care practice that will surely make you feel like a Diva than you actually are?
57. Sit by the fire and enjoy the warmth – This reminds us of the cozy winter self care practices!
58. Laugh out loud ( even out for no reason)
59. Smile to feel good – Release those feel-good chemicals in your body and brain by putting a smile on your face.
60. Use essential oils in the shower
61. Watch a funny video
62. Write a love letter to yourself – Show your loving thoughts about yourself in a letter meant only for you written by you.
63. Arrange flowers around you – Flowers around you uplift your mood and your mental health. Arranging flowers around yourself in your space is an easy self-care practice for a busy life.
64. Get a hair spa or body massage – Pamper your body in the best possible way and give yourself some self-care and self-love you always deserve.
65. Take a dip in a pool – Give yourself a relaxed time off by dipping in the cool waters of your pool (if you have one).
66. Decorate your room with candles – Little candles can change your mood as well as the ambiance of your room. A small but effective self care idea to make you happy.
67. Read Quotes – sometimes reading good vibes quotes helps to boost your mood and uplift your drooping energy.
I hope you will like these accessible self-care practices for your busy life. I would love to hear from you if you have any suggestions or something extra to add to this topic.
I shall be updating this post with more self care ideas as there are tons of this wonderful practice. Pin to save any image from this post and stay updated!
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