How to change your life – 60 positive habits

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Do you want to change your current life?

This post shares exactly the solution to your desire.

These life changing habits that I am sharing with you here were mostly used by myself at a time when I was in need to do a life makeover.

how to change your life

How To Change Your Life – 60 Positive Habits

Now I know many of you are not satisfied with the current life you are living. You want to change your life completely to be a better self.

Maybe you have been wanting to remodel your daily life with something new that gives you the extra motivation to wake up everyday.

Or you want to cut the monotony of life by starting that exciting project of yours!

Irrespective of the reason to turn your life around, these personal development habits will help you to guide you start a new life.

Let’s begin our post about 60 things you can do to change your life easily.

how to change your life completely

Change your life with 60 good habits

1. Wake up 10 minutes earlier than the usual time

Waking up a few minutes earlier every day will give you scope to enjoy the extra time to do something new.

Or you can use this time to sit in silence and enjoy the freshness of morning.

2. Stretch for 2 minutes

Stretch yourself to let your muscles feel free and active. Stretching is beneficial for warding off pain and aches in the body.

Try moving your body by small stretches for at least 5 minutes if you do not like exercise.

You can do this from your desk or anywhere you feel comfortable. It will benefit your health and mind in the long term.

3. Drink a glass of water once you wake up in the morning

Our bodies work all day even when we sleep. At night your body constantly dehydrates.

Drinking water the first thing in your morning replenishes depleted hydration. Start changing your life with these small habits to positively impact your health.

4. Allow good positive thoughts

Try thinking and allowing positive and good thoughts once you wake up.

Utilize your fresh rested brain to start your day on a good note. Your thoughts play a deciding role in making your day successful and productive.

5. Let the sunshine in your room

Open those windows for sunlight to glow in your room and your mind. Bright rays of the sun create happiness in the early hours of the morning.

Use this natural wonder to motivate you. Let fresh air flow inside and help cleanse your space.

6. Have a daily bath to clean up properly

Practice having a bath in the morning to feel refreshed and ready to tackle your day with good energy. Cleaning up in your morning is a good habit to create a life transformation.

7. Say your favorite affirmations

Pick your choice of affirmations and say to yourself for more power and positivity throughout your day. Say them aloud or in front of the mirror whenever you get a chance.

Use these positive morning affirmations that I use and see the changes

8. Read a few pages of a good book

If you want to be your best self and start over in life get into the habit of reading. Read pages from a good book that speaks of personal development or habits.

You can read anything that keeps you focused and shapes your mind in a positive framework.

9. Water those cute plants in your home (if you have any) to feel happy in mind

Take care of your plants if you have any and water them as required.

A feeling of peace settles in your mind making you happy.

tips to find yourself again

10. Make your bed tidy and clean to feel organized

How does it make you feel if you get back to an untidy bedroom?

Overwhelmed! Take care of that in the morning before leaving your room. Make it clean and presentable to create a cozy abode!

Take help from this post if you want to make your life organized

11. Clean the surface area of any furniture

Make a weekly plan to clean the surface areas in your home. These are the things that have always habit of collecting dust.

This way regular dusting and cleaning of your furniture and furnishing are easily taken care of. You do not have to wait for the weekend to do all the cleaning stuff.

12. Declutter any drawer or shelf quickly before starting your day

Target a particular drawer or shelf in a room and declutter it thoroughly. Set yourself a timer if you are short of time.

Do this before your day starts to feel organized and tidy. This also comes in handy if you work from home and always have to witness the cluttered shelves.

13. Make yourself a lovely breakfast

Give yourself immense love by preparing yourself a lovely breakfast. Never skip the first meal of your day to avoid going hungry all day.

A delicious breakfast is very important to set your mood up and keep you healthy and full.

14. Sit for 10 minutes of yoga for balance and good core

Practice yoga which is great for balance and focus. If you want something light and equally highly intense core movement exercise then try yoga poses to feel the heat and post-workout freshness.

Even 10 minutes of yoga moves are great for keeping your health in perfect shape and immune from many ailments.

Related post: How to live in the present – 10 mindfulness tips

15. Take deep breaths anytime in your day to loosen up

Don’t forget to take deep breaths and stay light. Your day’s tension and stress get minimized when you breathe deeply.

Loosen up those tensed muscles by sitting quietly and doing the basic things of life.


16. Quit complaining and start appreciating all around you

Your day and your life is about to change once you stop cribbing about those little things around you.

Qutting to complain helps us to be appreciative of all in our lives.

True there are things you cannot control. So why should we fret and fume over those things?

Start taking control of your life and change your daily habits. You will notice the positive changes needed to reset your life.

17. Soak in the sunshine

Enjoy sunlight with sunscreen. Basking in the sun improves your mood and shifts your energy.

You also need your daily vitamin D for proper synthesis of all nutrients in your health.

18. Take a stroll in your locality to bask in nature

When you spend a moment in nature you feel happy and mentally calm.

Why? Because nature is a true healer and has the ultimate potential to cure all our fatigue and boost bad moods.

Go out more outside to be in nature even if it is your small park in the locality. Even if you are in a bustling city start enjoying the outdoors. This helps to clear your mind.

Take your morning or afternoon stroll and bask in nature. You may spot some cute birds or squirrels around! An instant mood and life changer.

tips to romanticize life

19. Have patience

We are always in a rush to accomplish all or do everything in fast mode.

A lack of patience creates commotion and agitation in your mind. You lose focus to perform anything with a cool brain.

That is why the chances of errors and low productivity increase in most of your tasks.

Start building patience and enjoy the process without being in haste to reach the final result or your destination.

Change your life by improving your patience and making a complete start over.

Related post: How to change your mindset into positivity

20. Sit quietly for a few minutes

Enjoy silence and allow yourself a few moments in your day to do nothing and sit quietly outside or in a cozy place.

Feel comfortable and get immersed in yourself. Allow thoughts to pass by without holding any judgment.

This is a unique and small habit you can adopt in your lifestyle to practice mindfulness. Become aware of the present and without thinking about the past or future.

Here is a post that can help you on how to practice mindfulness in life to feel calm

21. Compliment yourself with a few kind words for motivation

Choose kindness for yourself. Stop rebuking yourself for any mistake and be your self motivator.

Give compliments to boost your self image, appreciate your body and achievements. When you think good of yourself your life begins to change for the better.

22. Add green vegetables and whole fruits for a well-balanced diet

Eat a wholesome meal all day to stay fit and lead a healthy lifestyle.

Adding more vegetables and fruits along with whole grains, and pulses provides good fiber for your body to assist in digestion.

Moreover, a nutritious platter keeps you at bay from all sorts of health issues.

23. Allow yourself to pause and take short breaks in between work

Whether you are a student, you work from home or the office or you are a busy mom, keep taking short breaks.

A little pause or breather helps to recharge your tired body and mind in between your work. This helps you to come back with renewed energy.

24. Forgive yourself for past mistakes and hurtful events

Let go of your past and finally forgive yourself for any mistake. Stop infecting your present with hurtful past events.

We all face committing mistakes in our lives. Forgive others for any harm done. Move forward in your life with new hopes and new beliefs.

Rather than being tied to the same past things you do not want to get repeated in your life, start thinking of new lovely things.

Your mind and thoughts have to shift to change your life.

25. Eat slowly

When you eat mindfully you know the portion you are having and you feel the taste of the food. You start enjoying the plate more when you eat slowly.

Gobbling your food instead of chewing and feeling the taste will only spoil the whole experience of eating. Eat carefully and slowly to be aware of your food.

26. Let go of toxic things and toxic people out of your life

This is a very important habit if you are serious about changing your life. Toxic and bad things always spoil our thoughts, plans, and dreams we have.

It is time to quit these poor things or habits if you have any. Move on in your life and let go of those people who are dragging you down in your life path.

Take good care of your mental power by keeping away from all things that drain your motivations and positive vibes.

27. Show yourself ample self love

Self love is necessary to progress in life. Turning your life around is only possible when you take yourself seriously and shower with lots of love and respect.

Take a cue from this post which shares how to love yourself more – 12 ways to self love

28. Create a bucket list for your life in all areas of your life

Make a bucket list and write down everything you want to do with each of those written categories or heads.

This will help you to have a clear picture of what you want to do in those areas of your life. To improve your life one has to know where that person stands and where she is trying to go.

29. Quit comparison game

Comparing your life gets you nowhere. This drags you down further spoiling your mood and self confidence.

If you want to change your life stop comparing yourself with anyone. You are a special, unique person with all the potential to become anything.

30. Worry less

Worry is the biggest spoiler to change your life to be your best self. Fretting over little things will only add to your anxiety and stress.

Change your life by changing your attitude to things in life. Let things happen on their which are beyond your control.

Rather control and take care of your thoughts and actions in a positive direction. You may read this post to find out 12 easy habits to add more happiness to your life.

31. Be kind to others

Showing random acts of kindness to others or strangers creates satisfaction and happiness.

Offer help in any form, donate, or volunteer for a noble cause to feel happy from the inside.

When you start growing as a human being you get ready to change your life in any path you want to go.

32. Write in a Journal to brain-dump

Do a brain dump of all your thoughts into your journal to become aware and mentally free.

Journaling is a powerful tool for understanding yourself very easily.

Anything disturbing you, what you want to do, how you are feeling all these answers can be found from writing your mind out in that notebook or paper.

Related post: How to calm down your anger

33. Set healthy boundaries

Start saying no more if you are someone taken advantage of by your loved ones. Avoid saying yes to please others and save your mental peace.

Improve your life by being strong enough to have good boundaries around you.

People who genuinely understand you and love you will respect your decision. You do not have to feel guilty for saying no or not able to attend that event.

34. Create a mindset shift

If you have a habit of thinking bad and negative all day, chances are your path to make a change in life will be troublesome.

Shift your mindset by thinking and speaking positive things to yourself. Give a pep talk to boost your self confidence when you feel down.

It is very easy for us to be harsh critics. Rather than expecting bad things in your life start believing in lovely events unfolding in your life.

Show self love by replacing your negative thoughts with positive ones.

You may read this post about how to become a positive person 15 simple habits

35. Laugh more often

Smiling is a cure for all problems. You do not need any reason to smile. Laugh often to feel alive.

Your life will change with more smiles and a happy mood. Learn to live more freely.

36. Manage your finances

Take good care of your finances. Create a budget to keep track of your income, expenses, and savings.

Start investing your saved money in profitable channels. Avoid impulse buying to save money for necessities.

Your financial health matters while you are on the path of changing your life.

37. Have a good routine for success

Routines are a great way to keep any habit on track and continuing.

Build your morning and evening routine to have a successful daily life.

A perfect morning routine sets the mood for the rest of the day, while an evening ritual creates a good night routine.

38. Create a playlist you enjoy

If you love listening to music create your favorite playlist and play them when you need them.

Feeling bored or want to do some fun things alone or with friends hit that music and feel happy.

39. Dance more

If music is here so why not some dancing? Feel free to dance any way you like.

You need not be a professional dancer to groove to some peppy number. Dancing pumps up your drooping energy making you giddy with joy.

Changing your life also takes into account altering your attitude toward these little things without inhibition.

Improve Your Life – 60+tips to Personal Growth

40. Take short breaks and walk around your work desk

Taking short breaks from your desk is better for keeping yourself active. Sitting for a long period blocks blood circulation in your limbs.

Get up from your work for breaks to walk around or have water. You will instantly feel recharged.

41. Limit the use of technologies

Stop using your gadgets for a day or limit their use to a bare minimum.

Staying away from the screens will allow you to enjoy a good time doing anything creative that does not require technology. Your precious eyes will thank you.

You can utilize this time to chat with your loved ones or take a nap

42. Pray more

Prayer has the ultimate power to make you anything you want. Have faith in yourself and a Superpower, the Universe or God; whichever you relate to.

Pray at your convenience to feel connected to your inner being and inner wisdom. Know that you are always guided in the right direction provided you BELIEVE in your prayers.

43. Set healthy goals in life

Setting goals in life is vital to change your life. Make achievable goals and create a plan to accomplish them.

One must dream big that be healthy. Avoid overwhelming yourself with something mighty in a short time.

44. Be resilient during difficult days

Never give up on anything while facing any challenging times. Accept failure but push through your difficult phase with all your might.

Being resilient and remaining true to your values helps you to change your life and tide over tough days.

45. Do more things that make you happy

Make a note of what makes you happy and sets your heart on fire. What are those things you feel passionate about?

Is it cooking? Pottery? Playing any sports? or crocheting? Engage your creative talents in any activity that makes you connected.

Fun things that help to build your focus and utilize your time productively rather than killing time scrolling through other social media accounts, need to be prioritized.

These are small habits that can make you a better version of yourself.

46. Clear your debts

Debts snatch your mind peace. Clear your debt at the right time to avoid overcharge. Change your life by slowly clearing off all your debts.

If you are in a cash crunch think of new ways to make money or start a side hustle to arrange for debt repayment on time.

We all strive for a debt-free life but circumstances make us avail it. Create new money making channels to change your life.

Here is a post on: 12 money saving habits you must have

47. Invest in yourself

Take that coaching class to upgrade your life. Or learn that foreign language session. Build skills that are needed to help you grow.

Improve your life with new self development ideas for daily progress.

48. Sleep 8 hours a day

Your sleep schedule is very important to have a healthy body. Regular 8 hours of deep sleep is necessary for your brain to function properly.

Create a bedtime routine that helps in a good night sleep. Having a good sleep also creates a happy morning the next day.

49. Spend time among greenery

Plants and forest improves your life and boosts your mood. A few minutes of spending time with those greens will surely create a positive impact on your mind and health.

Take up gardening or walk in a nearby park with flowers and greens. This beautiful sight is a great way to make a change in your life.

50. Do the MIT

As soon as you start your work hours sit with the most important task.

This way your procrastinating the challenging work will get accomplished in the first hours. You will feel a lot more relaxed to move on with other small tasks.

51. Avoid impulse buying habit

If you want to stay out of debt and keep your income saved or well invested, stop impulsive purchases. This overspending money habit without having any track is not beneficial for your wealth building dream.

Control your credit limit and go shopping with a buying list. You can use a cash envelope to stay within your means.

Try not to visit a shopping or food mall when you are angry! Your mood creates a deep impact in your pocket. I am not asking you to go all miser and starve but spend sensibly.

52. Try a new hobby

A hobby is a great way to unwind yourself after work or when taking a day off. Spend your holidays productively with things you like doing.

If you like gardening, pottery or painting use your time well to immerse in these hobbies to find peace and calm.

If you want to start a new one then give it a shot to see how that hobby makes you feel. Any change is better than nothing at all.

53. Reflect on your life

Changing your habits to make a good change in your life is successful if you keep on reflecting on where you stand in life.

Find out what you want, why you want them, and whether or not your current habits align with your life goals.

Reflection on your current life helps you to become aware of what needs to be changed and how to do that. Also, take a look if changing your habits has been able to help you start over in life.

54. Count your sugar intake

Take care of your health by noting down the amount of sugar you are consuming. Daily sugar intake in your food needs to be checked to avoid cardiovascular trouble.

55. Leave your comfort zone to grow and develop

If you want to do anything new in life to transform your present state, get out of your comfort zone.

The place where you feel safe and complacent never helps you to grow. It is those areas that make you uncomfortable and perseverance gives you scope to improve your life.

56. Believe in yourself

Your self-belief is required to change your life. having limiting beliefs and doubts acts as a roadblock and keeps you from achieving your life dreams.

Believe in your dreams and yourself. You have the unlimited potential to do anything in this world.

57. Accept failure

We all fail in our lives at some point, maybe so many times. But that does not mean we have to stop there.

Accepting failure is the foundation for your next progress. Do not allow fear of failure to halt your motivation and desire to create a new start in your life.

Moreover, avoid getting influenced by others’ failure stories to map your journey. Experience everything firsthand and keep up your positive attitude toward everything, no matter what looks externally. Only then you will learn to improve.

58. Stop giving excuses

Excuses will only make you procrastinate on things you want to do. Avoid keeping important tasks unfinished till the last moment in fear of getting them done.

Once these bad habits are removed you can be able to bring a positive change in your habit and life.

59. Create a healthy self care routine

Show yourself self love with a healthy self care routine. A good self care practice is essential to take care of your mind, body, and soul.

If you want to take your life in some positive new direction start taking your self care session seriously. It can be anything from a skincare routine, haircare routine, staying hydrated, listening to your body, taking ample rest, or playing sports.

Any activity that gives you happiness and puts you at peace is a form of self care.

Take inspiration from this post 60 easy self care ideas for a busy life.

60. Meditate daily

Meditating for 5 to 10 minutes a day creates a posie in our minds. Even if you are a beginner and never liked meditation, try sitting with your eyes closed. Do this in a place where you will be left undisturbed.

Try focusing your attention on your breathing. Myriad thoughts are bound to pass through your brain, it is alright to let them without forcing them to stop.

Meditation helps to increase focus and reduce anxiety with practice. Try it today and continue for at least 7 days to see slow changes taking place in your life.

61. Start a blog or an online business

Create your online business which gives you scope to work from anywhere and be your own boss. Enjoy the freedom to take charge of your life without following anyone else’s orders.

You don’t need to quit your job for that. But having a side income is so empowering to grow and boost self confidence.

62. Try a new cuisine

Cook a new recipe or try a new cuisine you never had. Find the joy and wonder of knowing a food or your dish.

63. Create a no-spend month

Change your life by having a no spend month and save that money for some better things. So often we waste our income on many things that do not give any value and end up in storage.

Why not create a 30-day challenge to stop buying futile things or getting takeaway for meals? Cook your food with a weekly meal planner that is available on many food channels and blogs.

Stock your necessities before to avoid overbuying. If you find this habit beneficial, this can be a turning point in your life.

You may want to use these smart money saving habits to build wealth.

64. Go for a dream vacation

Create more travel plans to grow yourself. Visit places you never have been to and explore new wonders.

It is not always about splurging on an extravagant tour, but a simple getaway to a nearby destination can change your life easily.

If you want to go for your dream vacation then plan accordingly.

65. Dream your new life

Keep on dreaming. Because to do anything or make a new change in your life first you need to imagine your desires.

Visualize your new life unfolding in front of your eyes. Have faith in your dreams and you will see your life start making changes in a good direction.

Here is a post on How to raise your vibration for manifestation

These are the 60+ habits to change your life completely. You can try them in any order you feel.

I hope you have found this post helpful in creating a new beginning in your life.

Thank you!

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